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Star Trek into Darkness
Of course, factions immediately sprang up in favor of '~*~sTaR tReK iNtO dArKnEsS~*~', 'xX_StAr TrEk InTo DaRkNess_Xx', and 'Star Trek lnto Darkness' (that's a lowercase 'L').
Title text: Of course, factions immediately sprang up in favor of '~*~sTaR tReK iNtO dArKnEsS~*~', 'xX_StAr TrEk InTo DaRkNess_Xx', and 'Star Trek lnto Darkness' (that's a lowercase 'L').



[Cueball staring at computer screen.]
Cueball: Oh wow.
Cueball: Look at Wikipedia's talk page for Star Trek Into Darkness.
Cueball: I have a new favorite edit war.
Megan (off-panel): Oh?
Cueball: Forty thousand words of debate over whether to capitalize "into" in the movie's title. Still no consensus.
Megan: That's magnificent.
Cueball: It's breathtaking.
Megan: They should have sent a poet.
Cueball: Well, I'm making an executive decision.
Cueball: I hope both sides accept this as a fair compromise.
[Wikipedia page titled "~*~StAr TrEk InTo DaRkNeSs~*~".]

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