1000: 1000 Comics/Numbered images
- Below there are several images and composite/zoom ins of the main image in the 1000: 1000 Comics.
- In about half of these red numbers going from 1 to 1000 have been used to label each character enabling the table with explanations which will be here:
- 1000: 1000 Comics/1000 characters
- Each character has been numbered, and the list includes the likes of a skeleton, a sentient AI WOPR (War Operation Plan Response) computer (from the movie Wargames) and a baby.
- But no items apart from the WOPR or any animals have been numbered. All other items and animals are directly linked to at least one of the human characters.
- In this way 1000 has been found!
- There is a full image below with numbers but it is in lower resolution than the full image, and can be hard to navigate.
- In order to show the details each of the four numbers in 1000 have been separately imaged.
- For the three zeros these have even been split up in four parts making it easier to find a specific character.
- For each of the 13 smallest divisions (1 for one and 4 for each of the three zeros) the first and last number has been highlighted using larger and bold font.
- These bold numbers can also be seen in the overview images.
- In order to show the details each of the four numbers in 1000 have been separately imaged.
- For each of the four numbers (the number in bold font) there are the following numbered characters:
- 1000: 132 characters numbered from 1-132
- 1000: 292 characters numbered from 133-424
- 1000: 290 characters numbered from 425-714
- 1000: 286 characters numbered from 715-1000
The entire one thousand
- 1000 characters numbered from 1-1000:
The one in one thousand
- 132 characters numbered from 1-132:
The first zero in one thousand
- 292 characters numbered from 133-424:
First zero Top
- 75 characters numbered from 133-207:
First zero Right
- 71 characters numbered from 208-278:
First zero Bottom
- 72 characters numbered from 279-350:
First zero Left
- 77 characters numbered from 351-424:
The second zero in one thousand
- 290 characters numbered from 425-714:
Second zero Top
- 82 characters numbered from 425-506:
Second zero Right
- 63 characters numbered from 507-569:
Second zero Bottom
- 74 characters numbered from 570-643:
Second zero Left
- 71 characters numbered from 644-714:
The third zero in one thousand
- 286 characters numbered from 715-1000:
Third zero Top
- 91 characters numbered from 715-805:
Third zero Right
- 61 characters numbered from 806-866:
Third zero Bottom
- 68 characters numbered from 867-934:
Third zero Left
- 66 characters numbered from 935-1000:
The numbering
Apart from characters there are also several animals and items/objects which the characters interact with, sit on, hang from, kick or throw etc. But if people touch the items or have directly caused the movement then these are not numbered separately. Only object numbered is no. 494 WOPR (War Operation Plan Response) from thew movie Ware Games next to Cueball no. 495. It is an character as they speak with each other; as a sentient AI it must be viewed as a character in the comic.
There are several characters that interact with each other, with items, with animals or even in larger groups. Each character have been numbered separately in these instances, but never the animals or objects such as the Gravestone at no. 503 or the Flying saucer at no. 515. All the animals interact with a human character in the 11 instances there occurs animals
The numbering is arbitrary and was determined by Kynde who created this sub page in the first place to get the explanation going. There is no relation to any thoughts that Randall might have had of the order. Although when characters seem to interact these have been numbered consecutively.
The numbers begin at the top left of the number 1 in 1000. And from there it goes from left to right top to bottom as well as possible.
For the three zeros the numbering is split into four sections. First the numbering starts left of but close to the top and numbered from left to right top to bottom. But only until the last full line of people over the hole in the zeros. Then the numbering continues only down the right part of the zero, from left to right and down. When reaching the level below the hole in the zero the numbering again begins at the far left of the zero at this level and continues left to right and down, and finally after having numbered the lowest character to the right at the bottom, the numbering continues up on the left side of the zero, starting at the bottom and going left to right and up. This may seem confusing, but the three zeros has been divided into these four segments, so appart from the left side going from bottom and up, each section is somewhat ordered. Also this gives the general idea of going around the zero without actually numbering around, which would be hard to do properly.
The numbers have been assigned using an excel spreadsheet with the image as background. This has been done so any forgotten character discovered later could be added without breaking the order of the numbering. This was clever (as that happened a lot) but it also means that the number of places a number can be written is limited, and sometimes it was hard to assign a number so it was clear which figure the number belongs to. This could thus of course be done better, but the assignment was already huge as it is. However, by looking at the other characters and numbers around a character where the number is ambiguous it should be possible to determine which of these numbers belong to that character by ruling out other numbers as they must belong to other characters.
A lot of care has been taken to avoid missing any characters and since 1000 has been found hopefully all have been numbered. But if someone discovers a characters that seems to miss a number please write in the comments below on this page, and maybe write a personal message to Kynde. Then maybe it can be fixed.