1190: Time

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Wait for it.
Title text: Wait for it.


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This comic is a (still ongoing) series of pictures, that was updating every 30 minutes, but is now updating on the hour. As of this writing, it is still updated after more than 246 hours - even after 1751 new, different comics were posted on the front page.

The comic appears to be an illustration of passing time. From the spectator's point of view, each image is meaningless by itself ; the only possible perception of time is to "wait for it" and see how things evolve. Thus, time is in the spectator's perception, not in each individual frame.

Technical hack

The updating is done server-side, with the server redirecting the image link (time.png) to a different image every hour. It is impossible to load future images (except for one image that was revealed during a glitch), so readers have to wait for the story to unfold in real time. On the xkcd site itself, one cannot see the past either, only the current image. Past images are available from xkcd if you have the direct link for each image. Multiple fan sites, including this one, have stored past images as well as the links to the originals.

Faster, navigable versions of the comic are available at xkcd.aubronwood.com and richardwestenra.com/xkcds-time-animated-time-lapse/, a scrollable version is at geekwagon.net/projects/xkcd1190/, or an animated gif at primis.org.

There is also a wiki dedicated to this particular comic and the related forum thread, at xkcd-time.wikia.com/.

Frame by Frame Breakdown

Below is the list of all the frames of the comic, in the order that they were revealed. The given times denote the time since the comic was initially released on midnight, March 25, 2013, Eastern Daylight Time (UTC - 0400).