1608: Hoverboard/Transcript

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  • Below, will at some point, be the complete transcript for 1608: Hoverboard:
  • Below is just text I have written going from the centre of the Destroyer (did not start writing to begin with) and then through the rest of that and all the way along the ground and to each end. Lots of editing is needed, but it will hopefully be easier to make a transcript with all this text already in place.

Explanation of this transcript

  • The transcript below will follow this course:
  • Starting in the play area it may feel normal to move in the reading direction at first.
  • This means into the Star Wars area to the right.
  • Following the line of sight for the people looking up, it will then be obvious to discover first the smaller Rebel Blockade Runner
  • And after this following the bombs up to the Imperial Star Destroyer.
  • Having finished the total exploration of these two, you are now at the end of the Destroyer.
  • Falling to the ground you may continue to the right until the end of this small world.
  • From there you will then go back towards left along the ground.
  • Passing through the play area on your way left you then enter the Lord of the Rings area on your way to Mount Doom.
  • The few items floating above the ground or hidden below ground is likely to be discovered on the way.
  • Thus once ending at the left edge to the world, you have now seen it all.
  • Following this path the coins are numbered as you move along

Play area

[This is the starting point. The first part of this transcript is the same as on the front page, but it is included for completeness:]
[Cueball is shown on a hoverboard in the centre of the comic. Around him is a simple maze with 12 yellow coins (1-12). Another Cueball without howerboard is shown standing on one of the platforms to the right. The bottom half of the window is black. Right of where Cueball stands is a ramp. Behind the ramp is a computer. There is lots of space left of the maze, outside the maze. Text is only written in white below in the black area. The first part of the text is written below Cueball on hoverboard. Then there is an arrow pointing to the computer and a label. Finally there is a line of text at the bottom of the black area.]
[Under Cueball:]
My new book,
Thing Explainer,
comes out today!
To celebrate, here's
a small game.
[Under the arrow below the computer.]
Deposit coins here
[At the bottom:]
Use the arrow keys to move
[Then the game begins and you start to move around with the arrows. You soon discover that there are five more gold coins (13-17). There is a soft spot in the floor below the two “)(“ brackets in the middle. Once you start touching coins they will disappear. If you return to the “Deposit coins place” the ones you have found will be counted and the time will be given. The message will be written in yellow at the bottom of the screen (in the black part). Below the score/time there will be an extra line with smaller text indicating rating your result. This is only based on the number of coins not the time. The text stays at the bottom of the screen for 3 seconds. If you move up the yellow text will stay on the screen and can thus be moved into an entirely white area.

[Below are examples of what may be written depending on the number of coins. The timing (and some times the amount) is just random.]

[0 coins:]
You got 0 coins in 1 second
You successfully avoided all the coins.
[1 coin:]
You got a single coin in 1 second
It's a start.
[2-4 coins:]
You got 3 coins in 3 seconds
Not bad!
[5-9 coins:]
You got 8 coins in 6 seconds
[17 coins:]
You got 17 coins in 14 seconds
You found all the coins! Great job!
[42 coins:]
You got 42 coins in 460 seconds
No answers here.
[169 coins:]
You got 169 coins in 15000 seconds
Are you Gandalf?
[All other number of coins:]
You got 11 coins in 9 seconds'
You got 151 coins in 10900 seconds'

Right of the play area

[Megan speaks to Cueball in front of the canon firing all the torpedoes going down towards the smaller craft]. Megan: We have no photon torpedoes, so I'm firing regular ones

Monster - maybe the one from the trash shaft or the Sarlac? After this room (same level to the right) is a black box with two horns poking up from each side.)

Cueball and Megan also on Hoverboards in a big room

Megan: Is this ship designed to fly in the atmosphere like this? (Looking out over the world below from an edge of the ship) Pony tail: Whatever. Who cared it’s probably fine. (Behind them is a car in silhouette)

Cueball (to Child with lots of hair while covering a hole with sharp spikes at the bottom): ...And we cover it with leaves so no one sees it.

Cueball is standing looking at a big machine in a very big room. Two big house shaped structures connect through some stream in the middle (maybe like the power source in Death Stars center in Return of the Jedi?) It says JS on each of the two pieces. The bottom one is connected to the ground through a big wire. The top one has several wires and is connected to the wall to the right.


On the wall to the left crawls another Cueball who ask you to be quiet. Cueball: Shh.

Ponytail warns you: Watch out for the cotton. It's a trap for someone, I think. After this you come to a room where you can fall into the "black" cotton. From here you can get on to a place with several traps that clangs together while saying: Chomp Chomp Chomp. You can pass though. After that is a pit of fire.

After that you come out in a huge cavern. Huge enough that it seems you are back on the ground as there is grass, trees houses animals. But in the celling there is a pit upwards.

In this "garden" there is a puma like cat (in silhouette) sitting on a rock outcrop, with a Cueball lying in front of it. After that a small garden house and behind that Cueball is telling Ponytail: Cueball: I know it seems weird, but every star destroyer has one of these rooms. Cueball: Say what you will about Palpatine's politics, but he's a staunch

supporter of the imperial parks and the coruscant audubon society. [See National Audubon Society.]

After them a Cueball with bow and arrows comes walking. Behind him is a deer in silhouette.

A beehive is sitting on the celling of the cave, above these. It is one of the coins, infested with bees going: Bzzzzz

A shelve in the cave wall is a little longer right than the beehive. A man with a cap is sitting snoring: Man: Zzz

There are also three birds in the other (left) end of the cave, so high above the ground you cannot see them from below or from the celling height either.

A mining party of two Cueballs. One hacking away at the end of the tunnel. One moving a cart away with the ruble.

At one point the corridor is going up and down in height so you cannot pass.

There is a coin on either end (?). Hair Bun Girl and Cueball is standing at one end. Hair Bun Girl: Ah, yes. Corridor peristalsis.

A big room with Megan trapped inside a huge hamster ball Megan: AaaaAaaa Behind her on giant stilts almost reaching the celling is a Cueball like guy (mauby with a little black hair) Guy: I can't leave.

A larger room with a car and on its hood lays a relaxed Cueball.

On top of the destroyer is a group of kids playing basketball. Sadly the Cueball kid has dropped the ball which now runs away from him on the loooong downslope. At the hoop waits Megan, Ponytail and another Cueball.

After them a stair leads down. On the stair is a slinky: Slink slink slink

After this a room where people are hanging down from the celling (or rather standing there. This being a spaceship with artificial gravity, this is not so strange...). A Cueball walks away from four other standing in two groups of two. A Megan and a Ponytail and another Megan holding something and Cueball holding a wine glass.

A large room with Hairy playing the piano (three separate drawings of different notes flows up from the piano). Cueball is spinning a girl with a flowing dress around on the dancefloor. The girl seems to have a kind of ponytail (dark) or other hair arrangement. (This is close to being above the large cave with threes and animals).

When leaving the cave you pass Hairy going towards it. After that a Cueball seems to be trapped in a hole in the floor, with a lid on (you can fall in but fly out). Some kind of alarm is going off above this hole to the right: Alarm: Beep Alarm: Beep Alarm: Beep

A Cueball is talking to a giant ant queen: Cueball: What's up? Ant queen: The usual. Poopin' out ants. Cueball: Eww.

Close bye there is a rather large labyrinth with this levels that is hard to pass and tight pits hard to ascend. Several coins are positioned so you have to move a certain route to get them. There are five Cueball. One jumping and two with swords.

After this a very deep pit. Some way down a Cueball and a Megan is holding each other from falling by holding on to each other and pressing their feet to each side of the pit. Cueball: Okay Cueball: We can figure this out.

A floor that falls down in a circle like shape. At the bottom a black warning sign saying in white text:


(The floor does not support you in an area between to typical "wet floor" signs. A Cueball is standing on the other side of this floor. (If you fall straight through you will hit a coin. Did not try to fall all the way to the ground!) It is a huge room but there is nothing above the floor. The entry and exit in each side are at the top.

On the left of this room there is spiral you can go into. There is nothing there. Also a pit going out of the ships bottom.

Below the deep pit with the two holding on to each other: A large room with a giant light bulb.

A large empty room. Hair Bun Girl is telling Hairy something Hair Bun Girl: Use a proposition instead of a preposition if you need something to end a sentence with, Baby.

After that a pit exiting the bottom of the ship. A coin is there bouncing on the wall Coin: Bounce (Falling straight to the ground will make you end up on a pedestal on the ground - to the right is a Medusa like girl).

This is at the end of the ship. Going down out and to the right you get to the back of the ship. Here a Megan is leaning on the wall of a shelve while another

Megan standing close to the edge is talking. Megan: I want synesthesia so bad I can taste it [See Synesthesia.]

Higher up a Cueball is sitting on a leaning shelf. He drops his sandwich. Cueball: My sandwich!

On the top of the ship at the back there is a crocodile.

From the top of the ship you can peak into rooms you may enter some other way. In one of them someone is talking to the emperor about bird watching. You cannot see it all. There is also a "Deathdrome" where Megan is on her bicycle at the top head down and at the bottom Ponytail is racing with a lance on an ostrich. You can enter these rooms later.

Below this dome outside Cueball is looking at Megan fixing a parabolic disc for satellite TV. Megan: Such a pain adjusting his thing every time we move

Outside the control room. A Cueball is standing looking out. Inside the room is Darth Wader talking to Hairy. It is clear that Darth Vader breathes heavily as this is written in bobbles before each sentence. Darth Vader: (Breathe) Darth Vader: But Steven's mother is a crystal gem, Darth Vader: (Breathe) Darth Vader: So he's half- Are you getting all this? Hairy: Yes, my Lord!

Lower down two Cueballs are walking towards the end of this section. Cueball: The fault, dear Tarking, is not in our star destroyers, but in ourselves.

Below is an entrance. Ponytail stands at the end throwing out a paper plane.

Hair Bun Girl and Ponytail are talking next to a system of gas containers with several pipes going out. Hair Bun Girl: In the event of a fire on one of the decks, this system will seal it off and pump in pure oxygen. Ponytail: Wait, Oxygen? Not a fire suppressant like- Hair Bun Girl: Ugh, boring.

Above this we find the scene with the emperor. A guy with a small black hat or weird hair is talking to the emperor. He is looking at an aviary with at least one bird in it. Behind it is a chair facing the aviary. Guy: My emperor... Guy: We all share in your newfound enthusiasm for birdwatching. Guy: But normally one watches them in the wild, rather than drugging and imprisoning them in a house of stairs. Emperor: Silence. Bird: Chirp Bird: Chirp

Cueball, talking to Megan, is pointing towards black five boxes with large dollar signs and there are also three smaller bags with similar but smaller dollar signs. Bags: $ $ $ Boxes: $ $ $ $ $ Cueball: Aha! Darth Vader's secret gold bullion reserves! We'll be rich! Megan: I'm not sure this is canon.

Entering the "Deathdrome" we now not only see Megan on her bicycle at the top head down and Ponytail at bottom racing with a lance on an ostrich. In the middle there is a coin and towards Ponytail comes a Megan on a bike with another lance. Below Cueball is sitting on the floor of a small room with three squares coming out of the floor. Ponytail is sitting on the first looking down on Cueball.

From there you enter the room with Darth Vader as described above. And below that the one with a Cueball addressing Tarkin.

You got up to all the above from after the labyrinth before getting to the two people holding themselves up.

Moving down from this control room outside you pass a cowboy sitting with two reins holding on to the ship like he is riding it as a horse (or maybe like the guy riding a nuclear bomb in the movie Dr. Strangelove.): Cowboy: Giddyayup! (This comes right after the stair with the slinky)

From the end of the ship where Megan is standing looking down it takes 6 seconds to fall down to a piece of grass and earth below, that has been ripped out of the ground and is floating several meters above the hole it has left there.

If you move further to the right from the end of the ship you pass White Hat sitting in high grass only his head showing.

Then a floating Cueball that looks kind of distorted.

Somewhat after that a tall stick with a stork nest on top with three eggs. Above them are the most coins collected in one place. There is nothing above the nest. The image ends here in the right direction. You cannot move any further out than just the few paces you can see behind the nest. From there it takes about 2 minutes 40 seconds to get back to the playing area the fastest possible without getting caught up in any obstacles.

Going left from the grass floating in the air beneath the rear of the ship, you meet a Medusa like girl, then there is pedestal (above which you will meet an entrance to the ship).

The next you see going back left is a coin and two birds. Going up the ship from here you find Megan hanging below the ship Megan: Hmm. (It takes 85 clicks on the up arrow to get there: And 6½ second to fall down.)

A Cueball singing (with notes)

A hat on a stick. Ponytail is walking that way followed by a small bird.

Two small mounds are exactly below the glitch in the floor in the room in the destroyer.

Three T like platforms. Megan standing on the one farthest to the left looking down.

A pyramid like mound. On the left side Ponytail is giving a protip. Ponytail: Protip: Ponytail: Don't stop climbing just beacuse you reach the top. Ponytail: ☑ Show tips on startup

If you climb up in the same increase (to the right and up) you end up under the ship where there are two coins not visible from inside the ship. It is close to being under the spiral. Above the center of the incline it the platform where Megan is worrying if the Destroyer is built to fly in air. It takes more than 7 seconds to fall down again from there.

After the pyramid to the left is a huge silhouette of a foot. Two Cueballs are looking at an inscription on the pedestal. Cueball: It says "Yo, future dirtbags! Check out my huge foot!"

A blonde girl with long hair is standing with Megan in a cemetery with 7 gravestones. Megan: They're inscribed with our family motto, "Cur ego committitur dictar latinae," which means "Why did I just start speaking Latin?"

Further left: Cueball and Ponytail are having a picnic. She is sitting on a small rock he is sitting on the ground. A little further to the left with her backs turned to them Megan is sitting on a larger rock.

A wedding (further left). Cueball and Megan, dressed for wedding (although she is a black bride), are standing at a small stage. A female priest with black hair and a book is talking to the audience sitting in chairs in front of the stage to the left. There are five people. The first has a cap on backwards. Then a Cueball, a Ponytail, a guy with black hair and Hairy. Priest: And if nay here can give cause why these two should not be wed, Priest: The Great Jabba the Hutt will now listen to your pleas.

(Above the wedding is an entrance to the destroyer. From there it is only a little further to the left that the torpedoes are fired out of the destroyer. From the platform it takes more than 9 seconds to fall to the ground.)

After that you pass through a forest going to the left.

Ponytail is then flying above the ground by flapping violently with her arms (it looks like she has three arms on each side). Ponytails arms: Flap Flap Flap Flap Flap Flap Flap

Left is a kind of ruin. On top of which Cueball is sitting with a guitar playing and singing (two drawing of notes shown near him). Megan stands below the ruin. Cueball sining:

Gates let in
Spider boats
Flood the locks
Spiders float
Look out!
Spiders in both oceans.

Then after this to the left is an ocean. You will think in but not very deep. A rouge wave is rising above the see talking to a Cueball swimming in the sea. Wave: I know rogue waves seem implausible, but we're a straightforward consequence of the equations of fluid dynamics. Cueball: ...But you can talk? Wave: The equations are really complicated.

On the left bank stands Megan rates the seas: Megan: This is an OK sea. Megan gives it 2½ stars out of five (2½ black 2½ white stars). (Megan is under the smaller spaceship. It is only 3½ seconds to fall from the top of the end of that ship into the sea.)

Something looking like dunes is following after the sea to the left. Ponytail stands on one of the dunes.

After these there are two wires going up to the smaller spaceship. Cueball and Hairy holds on to the left. Another Cueball holds on to the other wire alone but a small girl with black hair bun is stepping on the end of this wire. Megan is climbing this last wire far up.

A third wire follows somewhat longer to the left. Megan and Cueball is holding on to this. All three wires connect with the space ship close to each other and are attached with what looks like anchors for ships. Close to where the two wires to the left are attached is a Cueball with a fishing rod, and the line falling some meters below the ship, but not close to earth.

After this a large boulder and then a cliff. On top of this is Cueball with Meg who points towards the space ships. Megan: Wow. If you follow her by keeping the right arrow down and pushing the up arrow you will just pass over the smaller space ship and then hit the destroyer.

A few threes and a Cueball follows and then we are back to the part where you left the playing area. Right above the edge of the play area is the tip of the star destroyer.

Inside the smaller space ship (Princess Leila’s probably?) at the front is the command bridge. You can get into it from the top through an open hatch. Cueball is standing with his back to the hatch.

It the bridge a woman with long black hair is talking while Hair Bun Girl is standing behind. Long haired woman: Captain's log, stardate November 24th, 2015... Hair Bun Girl: Augh! No!

Below is a smaller room with Ponytail and Megan. Ponytail holding a light saber above which floats a small sphere. Megan holds some kind of canon/gun and she stands in front of a black box with white text.

Megan: Good against remotes is one thing, but a true Jedi trains with a T-shirt cannon.
Box: Shirts

Cueball is standing at a ledge with a fishing rod with something on the hook somewhere below the spaceship. Two birds are circling the line. Below him is a canon with two wires from down below attaches with anchors. (A third anchor and wire is attached further to the right)

Above is a small room with a Cueball putting something in a black box from a bucket. Above the box is a canon outside the ship. There is white text on the box:

Box: Bullets.

Below in the hall walks Ponytail while singing (showing two drawings of notes).

A big room in the main of the ship. Three guys, one is Hairy the other two are Cueballs. First Cueball: The Death Star plans are not in the main computer. Second Cueball: Darn. Second Cueball: See, if we had found them in the main computer, that would be good news, since it would mean no one else had them. Second Cueball: But since we didn’t find them, we need to keep searching for anyone with a copy. Second Cueball: That all makes sense and I definitely understand how computers work.

Two Cueballs are standing on top of the spaceship. The first looks down into a hole that has been blown into the top of the ship. First Cueball: So you just came down and made a hole in our ship without permission? Second Cueball: Yup First Cueball: Wow, Rude.

Two Cueballs stands near a huge parabolic antenna looking up. First Cueball: That thing is huge. Imperial-class? Second Cueball: Year. Maybe a MK-1. Depends on whether this is the expanded universe or not.

Ponytail and Cueball are shooting arrows from bows against the Destroyer (much much higher) in response to the torpedoes crashing down on their ship. One torpedo is exploding one is just hitting the hull of the space ship and many more rains down from above. Cueballs bow: Twang Torpedo: Boom

Two Cueballs are standing to the right of the falling torpedoes. The first is looking up. First Cueball: Why are they still firing? Second Cueball: Oh, the turret operators pretty much do their own thing. Second Cueball: It's definitely a pain sometimes.

At the end of the ship Megan is holding on to Cueball who again is holding a long stick with a huge marshmallow on the end. Maybe trying to roast it on the exhaust.

At the end below the spaceship is something looking like a rudder from a normal ship.

There is a similar parabolic antenna mid ship below the computer wizard.

25 torpedoes up (apart from the two that actually hits the space ship) we find Beret Guy sitting on top of a torpedo shouting

Beret Guy: Horsey!

(Another reference to the movie Dr. Strange love).

Torpedo’s 51-52 up are crashing into each other: Torpedo’s: Boom

In total about 101 torpedoes are still in the air (with the two exploding in the air, but not with the one hitting and the one exploding on the space ship below. They come from a canon below the star destroyer.

Left of the play area

On the left side of the play area is a tall spire/obelisk. At the foot of it there is a black sign with a white arrow pointing left.

The top is white, the rest pitch black. Cueball is hanging to the left and White Hat to the right on wires attached to the tip. White hat is looking up to the right lifting his free hand. Cueball: Look at that- Solid aluminum! Cueball: We´re gonna be rich! White Hat: Uh, what the heck is that?! (He has seen the destroyer). If you go up and keep the right arrow down you will hit the tip of the destroyer.

Halfway up the tower is a fault line. At the bottom of the obelisk to the left is Megan standing with Cueball looking up. Cueball: Honestly, it doesn't even look that muck like Washington.

Going further left is a black flag in a tall flagpole. It blows left. On the top is a sitting duck. (There is nothing 9 seconds fall above it).

Then Beret Guy walks to the right following a fly.

Cueball is talking to Ponytail. Cueball: If loving you is wrong, I don't want to.

Hair Bun Girl stands behind a ten pin bowling pin setup. The front pin is towards the left, and she almost touches one of the four in the last row. Megan (or another black haired girl with wild hair because of what she does?) comes bouncing towards the right and the pins inside a human sized hamster ball (the second in this comic).

After a big tree (first on this side) comes a steep cliff. Ponytail crawls up.

On a ledge stands Cueball pointing up with a child version of Ponytail (the child of Ponytail below?). Cueball: Everything the light touches is our kingdom. Girl: What's with the shadowy place over there? Cueball: That is beyond our borders. Girl: No, I mean what object casts a shadow over a whole region? Cueball: Oh, that's god. He lives over there.

A tie-fighter gas station. Megan is ready to fuel her tie-fighter up. There is a stand with two gas outlets. Inside the store sits a ponytail with a cap on. This is the first space with a coin on this side. Cueball is sitting on top of the store looking to the right.

A stop sing.

Cueball is standing looking towards a whole in the ground. It looks like a well with the typical roof over and stones set in the side the first few meters down.

At the bottom of the well (a coin)in the water is a girl with long black hair. The girl’s text is written in white in the black earth to the sides. Girl: I'm not a ghost. I just like wells. The well is almost 3 seconds falling deep. There is nothing 6 seconds fall above the well.

Two girls are playing. A girl with ponytail runs to the left towards a long haired girl with a bun.

A woman with long hair (maybe Mrs. Lenhart) points to the ground. Her girl child with black hair and a boy with standing hair are behind her to the right. Mom: Check out this one weird bug, discovered by a local mom. Girl: Oh my God, mom, stop saying everything like that.

Megan is standing on very rocky ground with a kite (a coin is on the kite’s tail)

Megan and Cueball are standing on rocky ground that releases steam. Cueball: The Earth is vaping.

After the steaming earth more rocky area rises. Megan sits on a taller rock reading for two children one guy with hair standing out wild and another child with black hair. Megan: "The time has come" the Walrus said, and put on a Sauron's ring...

A steep rise up a cliff. Cueball is standing lowest looking down. Ponytail is climbing. Above them another Cueball is climbing with Megan behind her: Megan: This is currently a V2, but is becomes a V7 if the volcano erupts.

A burning three stomp.

A large rock is lying so there is a hole beneath it. Cueball is standing there with Megan who holds up some kind of device.

Two Cueballs are climbing the volcano. The right Cueball: If I don't make it back... The right Cueball: ...Tell my wife... The right Cueball: ...Where I am... The right Cueball: ...and why you left me there...

The rise becomes very steep. Ponytail comes racing down on her bike. Ponytail: 114 mph! Ponytail: Suck it, previous downhill volcano record-holder!

Futher up (past a coin) Megan comes sliding down the slope. She seems to be packed up in something.

At the top of this incline are two lava pools. Between them stands a girl with a hair bun and a Megan like girl. Girl with hair bun: Let's play a game where the lava is the floor of a house.

Cueball stands behind Megan who again stands on the edge of the Volcano and throws in 16 items (rings). Megan: One of these is probably a ring of power or whatever.

Going down into the crater there is two drones flying (with a coin). You can stand on them. Right drone: Remember: There's no such thing as good volcano footage taken by a quadcopter that survived.

At the bottom of the crater is a huge pool of lave.

Past the center of the crater is a rocky outcrop. A Cueball is looking into the pool to the right looking down at a horse standing in the lava. Cueball: Artex!

On the center of the rock stands a wizard with a stick. It looks very much like Gandalf. He looks to the left.

Another Cueball is walking towards the lava to the left with Megan behind him. Megan: If you breather out through you nose a little as you jump in, it can keep you from getting lave in you nasal passages.

If you go into the lava of the volcano from the central rock, moving right, and then after some time moves left you suddenly gets in to an underground lair beneath the lava.

One larger cave has two Cueballs talking while standing in front of an empty desk. Behind that desk is two more desks- The first has a standing Cueball and the last a sitting hairy. Behind them on a raised platform sits another hairy guy pointing at them. Cueball: I always assumed Elon Musk's volcano lair would be like... Tropical. And ...Well, pleasant. Elon Musk in the high chair: Back to you desks, swine!

In a deeper pit beyond Elon's lair stands Ponytail and Hair Bun Girl looking at an antenna hanging down from the ceiling. Ponytail: So this is where it is.

A cave at the top has a Cueball holding out his hands. Cueball: What news of the world above? Please, tell me- what's hot and viral? What's trending on Twitter?!!

It can be rather difficult to get out again. From the cave above Elon's you can move into the black area. From here you move right. Then alternately move left and right while pushing up. Eventually you will get out.

There are three coins under the lava.

On the other side of the volcano crater just when the mountain rises again there is a hole in the side of the crater. In here sits Megan with at least two bags with dollar signs on. (She may be counting the contest of a third bag). Megan: Gooooold! Megan: Goold! Bags: $ $

At the top of the craters left side sits another duck.

An old(?) Cueball with a walking stick is walking up the volcanos left side.

Another basketball hoop (with a coin on top). Ponytail is talking to Megan with the basketball, who looks towards the volcano. Ponytail: OK, as soon as it erupts, go for the dunk. Out sweet moves will be preserved for all eternity!

At the very end of the left side of the image are four coins and then a blonde haired girl with a hair bun. Girl: In the sky, Girl: beyond the mountain, Girl: I saw a starship.

Just past the volcano going back from left to right you may catch two great eagles in the sky. Left eagle: Tolkien said Frodo left the cloak somewhere over here. Right eagle: Can't he just fix it? Left eagle: He doesn't want to rewrite that chapter.

(Shortly after the two girls playing, to the left of them up in the air are the following:) A bird sitting on top of three parachutes thinking: Bird thinking: I don't remember laying these but now they're already flying. Gonna be awesome when they hatch.

Below the parachutes is a space capsule being lowered through the atmosphere. Cueball is looking out through a hatch and someone is talking to him from inside the capsule. Cueball: Yes! My phone has a signal. Voice from inside: How many new likes did we get during reentry? Cueball: I'm checking!

Further towards the right there are two birds and a coin in the air.