968: Everything

Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
Revision as of 20:16, 23 September 2012 by (talk) (Explanation: A gyrocopter is not a tiny helicopter)
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I wanna hold your hand so I don't fall out of your gyrocopter.
Title text: I wanna hold your hand so I don't fall out of your gyrocopter.


In this comic, the first three sentences are a bunch of statements that you would find in a birthday or anniversary card from one person in a relationship to another. In this case, all the statements are in the negative. However, by the last frame, a positive greeting card statement is used, but is continued in the title text, which makes it less of a greeting card statement and makes it better line up with what is going on in the background.

Cueball is gathering a lot of different sorts of random things, including a deck umbrella, a miniature Eiffel Tower, what appears to be a bomb and the bust of a mannequin. He adds these to an already immense pile of things which Megan (her outline can be seen in the last panel standing on one of the wheels welding something) uses to build some sort of super tank with huge wheels, a mounted gun, satellite dish and crane. It appears to be running as there is exhaust coming out of the top of the machine.

In the title text, a gyrocopter is a flying machine that has a rotor like a helicopter, but the rotor is not powered by a motor. Rather, the motor of the gyrocopter drives a propeller that accelerates the machine forward, while the air rushing past the rotor drives the rotor like a helicopter during autorotation.


[Person 1 drags a small wagon and a bag full of various items]
Person 1: You are not the light of my life. Making you happy isn't my greatest dream.

[Person 1 places the items in an even bigger pile of even more random items]
Person 1: Your smile is not all I live for. I've got my own stuff going on. But you're strange and fascinating and I've never met anyone like you.

[Person 1 stares in awe as Person 2 assembles the items into a gargantuan, intoxicatingly complex machine]
Person 1: I want to give you everything just to see what you would do with it.

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this is the sweetest comic - one of my favorites. (talk) (please sign your comments with ~~~~)

The first four statements are reminiscent of Shakespeare's Sonnet 130 (my mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun). 04:12, 3 January 2014 (UTC)

I smiled at the SWEETNESS, one of the best XKCD comics.Boeing-787lover 03:49, 23 November 2017 (UTC)