Category:Incomplete explanations

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In the morning, Liam reluctantly got ready Overnight Millionaire System and I, once again, debated with myself about letting him off the hook. Despite this struggle, we went to the tournament where Liam won his first round and he brought home a bronze medal that he immediately and proudly told all his friends and grandparents about.If I had let Liam "off the hook" during his resistance, he would have missed the opportunity to fulfill his commitment to himself and he would have missed this chance to experience success.

Holding others to their commitments and to a higher standard is hard. People get anxious and scared when they are stretching themselves outside their comfort zone. This is where resistance shows up and where we create elaborate rationales to justify why it's OK to let each other off the hook. In the moment of resistance it can actually feel malicious to hold people accountable - we feel the pain and struggle of their hook and as caring supporters we think we are easing their discomfort by letting them off.

However, we do a huge disservice when we don't hold each other to those higher standards. If I had succumb to my son's tears, I would have been choosing the easy way out and sending him a message that it's OK to back out and play small. Liam's struggle and subsequent success reminds me that by keeping people on the hook we empower and support the people we care about much more significantly because, by doing so, we help them achieve greater success, sooner.