A template to make a link to a Wiktionary entry.
by itself links to the Wiktionary entry for the page you use the template on, which is probably not useful in the case of the Explain XKCD Wiki:- [[Wiktionary:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]]
links to the Wiktionary entry for "word":{{dict|word|Display}}
prints "Display" which links to the Wiktionary entry for "word":
The first character of the link target is automatically lowercased, such that e.g. {{dict|ravioli}}
(ravioli) and {{dict|Ravioli}}
(Ravioli) both link to the same delicious definition. (Wiktionary entries are case-sensitive. This automatic lowercasing may cause issues in the future, but that's OK because it's not the future yet[citation needed])