
Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
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I'm Apollo, not the greek god, the space program. Obvously Apollo 11 is my favorite. Did you know that if you wrapped a string around the world.....

.....that it'd probably take a lot of string.

Lets start some consraversy (I suck at spelling)

Beret Guy is the best

The [1000] comics are better than the [2000 comics]

A hotdog is not a sandwich, and ceral is not a soup, its a salad. (think about it, soup is where the ingredients are cooked so the nutrients are in the broth, will a salad is a when a fatty liquid is added to a combanation of ingredients).

And Electrons are Yellow, Protons are Red and Nutrons are Blue

ALSO, please help with Backward in Time, its not complete and needs a lot of work, I'm working on it best I can but I also don't have that much time on my hands


Be nice, remember, if you're about to yell at someone for a lack of knowledge, dont. Kindly point them in the right direction, what if that is their "Green Day Moment"?

Dont vanilize, nobody thinks its funny, and its not funny to piss people off, thats called being a dick (or a [Black Hat sociopath] take your pick).

Too anyone who's new, dont feel shy to edit, this comminuty is nice, brutally honest but nice!

Have fun ;)