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Revision as of 19:57, 11 November 2013

Music DRM
Just yesterday I bought my first non-DRM'd songs (The Last Vegas, in keeping with my 'I only listen to things from Guitar Hero' theme).
Title text: Just yesterday I bought my first non-DRM'd songs (The Last Vegas, in keeping with my 'I only listen to things from Guitar Hero' theme).


Here, Cueball is commenting in a comment thread that he authored about the negative traits of DRM, or again, Digital Rights Management (also known under 'Digital Restrictions Management'). Cueball has a point: DRM, while meant to fight those who download media through 'dungeon sketchy' maneuvers, risks locking out legitimate owners. In turn, this turns off legitimate buyers from buying the songs, thus hurting artists.

Of course, this would be true if the major stores sell music with DRM. Megan, wanting Cueball to make peace and enjoy his goal, makes the following choice quote: 'Close the comment thread, get out the debit card, buy us some music, and let's rock the fuck out.'

The problem is that fighting feels good, something that dos not usually require money from the participants.

The title text references Music Knowledge while inferring that Randall is not really a music fan, since he would only be interested in music that appears in the games that he plays.


[Interior, Cueball sits at his computer typing, Megan enters.]
Cueball [typing]: ...and that's why music DRM is bad for listeners and artists!
Megan [off-panel]: What are you doing?
Megan: In case you didn't notice, we won the music DRM war. The big stores are DRM free.
Megan: So close the comment thread, get out the debit card, buy us some music, and let's rock the fuck out.
Cueball: But I don't actually like music, I just like being self-righteous on the web.
Megan: Lucky for you, that will always be free.

comment.png add a comment! ⋅ comment.png add a topic (use sparingly)! ⋅ Icons-mini-action refresh blue.gif refresh comments!


I am sorry. Since I put in my browser a JavaScript that replaces most bad words to 'cuss' per The Fantastic Mr. Fox (with the rest of the bad words being replaced by other more... printable in-jokes of my own), the JavaScript probably replaced Megan's bad word automatically when I put in the comic script.Greyson (talk) 23:02, 3 May 2013 (UTC)

Net neutrality

"Lucky for you, that will always be free." Well Um DanDan0101 (talk) 19:30, 17 December 2017 (UTC)

? Beanie (talk) 13:45, 31 March 2021 (UTC)

So, I guess this comic is now irrelevant because of streaming services? "Always be free." /_ \ 21:25, 28 February 2022 (UTC)

I mean to be fairrrr services like bandcamp still exist, and IIRC if you buy a song from Itunes, it doesn't have DRM, but yeah sadly the grand majority of people get their music from streaming 20:30, 17 March 2022 (UTC)

Well, streaming services have managed to beat piracy, which is definitely good for the industry as a whole. It's true that nowadays we don't own music anymore, but so far that hasn't been a problem. 16:32, 22 May 2024 (UTC)