explain xkcd:Editor FAQ

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Some of the plant compounds in foot detox Japanese Toe Nail Fungus Code pads include different wood vinegars, distilled from the saps of eucalyptus, oak, bamboo, or beech trees Pyroligneous acid (the scientific term for wood vinegar)has been used for millennia in Chinese medicine as a warming substance to draw off infection and skin irritation. The wood vinegars used in foot detox pads have been refined in a solution of activated charcoal.

As childhood obesity skyrockets, video game consoles seek for ways to make their games "active" and obesity related diseases such as diabetes is at epidemic levels, athletics is a blessing to many children. Since children are less likely today (compared to 20 years ago) to run outside, ride bikes or play sports in the streets, more children are becoming active in sports from soccer and football to gymnastics and dance. This increased activity has improved the health of many children, but sometimes is accompanied by heel or ankle pain.

When a child between the age of 9-14 in girls or 9-16 in boys presents to my office complaining of either heel pain or ankle pain, the cause is usually the same. The entity is commonly known as Severs Disease or Calcaneal Apophysitis. Since this is a disease of growing bone, it only presents in children during the active stages of bony growth. Let me explain some.
