Editing 1023: Late-Night PBS

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it was metrically and ctocepnually excellent.  A gold-glow day, that was. How I valued your approval..As “To every coin …., so to every situation:  the pluses and minuses. The upsetting minus of you working at 3 or 4 am Florida-time meant that your nights, in fact, were disrupted rather than restful..On more than one such no-sleep occasion, we joked about King David’s influence on you, adapting Psalm 57:7-9.  Like King David, your.07: [...] heart is ever steadfast..And like King David, you  .08: […] wake the dawn.09: (to) celebrate you, Lord,     among the people; and sing      your praise among the nations..But the plus of those sleep-arrested nights meant that the time differences between us seemingly dissipated, and emails could fly back and forth. A 3 a.m. mail from you was a welcome midmorning coffee break for me.  And how could it be anything but welcome?    this respite, full of mind teasing, brain twisting, and word tweaking, a stimulating flurry of exchanges. Combat over the difference between awe – yir’AH,   fulfilling G-d’s laws through our observation of His wondrous works in our surroundings, and fear    PA’khad – keeping G-d’s laws only to avoid punishment, and the implications of each  of these words in the texts.  Battles over the fine line between mercy and pity.  Tug-o-war over ‘loving-kindness’ – what does one do with such a long and awkward word?    which incidentally is quite short in the original: KHESS’edd.   But which also raises the issue of synonyms… and the fact that a synonym in English isn’t necessarily so in Hebrew. Bit by bit, you prized the treasure chest open, Alan, its trove of prizes being polished by your special touch..And there was plain old fun teasing too. Lots of it. Like the time you advised that you’d come up with a great solution to Psalm 68:4 after extensive debate, but that you wanted to think it over for a day before releasing it.  Another brilliant clinch in the offing …. The suspense was too much – were there 2 or 3 or more whining requests from me: oy vey, no, no, please  send  now!  You sent it shortly afterwards, of course, flourished your trademark  ‘heh’:.04: Sing unto God and laud his name.     Prepare the way for the sky’s rider.      His name is LORD. Exult before him..Though vital to your health, paradoxically you often viewed medical appointments as another setback in this race against timeWhen the second half of your week hadn’t been easy, following treatment, you sadly let me know it would not be possible to finish the particular psalm we were working on before the Sabbath commenced. With your keen sensitivity to wording, even when I mentioned no names in brief messages, you learned to identify which of my children would be coming home, and wish us a restful Shabbat..Luckily, unproductive ‘long weekends’ were not too common. Instead, there were many other evenings when, around midnight or later as I was about to close the computer and go to sleep… ping!  Who can resist the tantalizing ping of the inbox!  OK, skim through, acknowledge: I’ll check first thing tomorrow. But this work was so rewarding for us both that it was impossible to ignore your draft until the next morning, especially knowing that you’d probably have time to review response notes that very same day if you received them back immediately..So: coffee, close reading, corrections;  and 30 to 40 minutes later, sometimes an hour for a longer or more complex piece, back the notes went.  Always considerate of my schedules, you would add something like: It’s very late for you now.  Don’t stay up for the sake of this draft. But the beauty of the project burned within our hearts, yes, like a kind of love, and who can turn away from love?************.How many parallel experiences we discovered in our lives, Alan, from puppies to orchards and growing up near large bodies of water. Both of us, sticklers for accuracy in our work; both of us sharing two pet peeves, ‘proactive’, and ‘impact’ as a proactive(!) verb; both of us loving our language of preference..We worked well together because we truly admired each other’s spheres of knowledge.  Your gratitude was warmly sincere.   And your  humility in the face of the powerful poetry woven into these ancient words made working with you a delight.  You tackled the raw material, hammering at it until you spun  as described in Psalm 12:6 –silver, refined in earth’s crucible,strained and purified seven times over..I was awed by how you approached the work, and told you what a privilege it was to observe the process closely, from the inside out, as it were.  We both felt privileged by this versified translation, the chance, as Psalm 33 says, to -03:      Sing a new song to the Lord.          Play it with skill and verve..In psalm 9 verse 12, King David delineates how G-d[…] recalls them:      he never forgets the cry of the meek..We weighed the inferences of recall, and never forget, the first being active, a purposeful raising into the conscious mind, by stating and restating; the second being more passive, an undertone or background; we explored how these words connected with that core of Bible, the Ten Commandments. Working intensively with you this past year-plus leaves me with so many funny or special shared moments and anecdotes; I will never forget them. As for classes on Davidic Psalms and their link to principles of Torah, I will keep my promise to you, Alan, and dedicate them in your name, this year, next year, whenever I give such classes, thereby actively, publicly recalling – for, as we discussed in Psalm 86, a name mentioned in connection with study of Bible gladdens the namesake's soul..Throughout, your achievement was a source of encouragement to many, as we watched you determinedly gain time with the psalms. It was only recently that you wrote the following:.When we got done with 145, I had no idea so much work might still remain. It is daunting, but it has gone well, I think, and it certainly motivates me to stay alert and fight through my medical troubles. I shall be grateful to let go when the time comes. I am so tired. But not yet..And still you managed to edit so many of the psalms since that note, even completely recasting some of them. But with every day that passed since your hospitalization, and no email winging into my inbox, my heart fractured that bit more.  You could, chronologically, have been my older brother, and what a wonderful older brother you often seemed to be throughout this laden but beautiful year of working together. Who better to express how I feel now, than King David in  Psalm 22:14    I am spilled like water. / All my bones disjointed; / my heart is beeswax, / melting within.   This, because I mourn you as only a close Elder Sister can.***.Alan        May your  insightfulness be a long-lived tribute to your depth of thinking;.May your keen learning that so enhanced our working together, and the many other traits of character that we all respect and admire, infuse our memories with hues of love;.May these, and so much more, be a comfort to all who were close to you.And may these words which I have spoken stand as testimony in your good stead before God..Alan, dear spirit-kin, if I have unthinkingly offended you or been inconsiderate in any way, I ask your forgiveness..Let’s  turn again to Psalm Eleven, the psalm that brought us together:.01: I hope in the Lord.     Would you wish of my soul      be off like a bird …...May your soul, like the bird, be off      to settle beneath wings of everlasting peace and blessed rest.   ta'NOO’akh    ba’sha’LOM.   [rest peacefully]   Amen.
| number    = 1023
| date      = February 29, 2012
| title    = Late-Night PBS
| image    = late night pbs.png
| titletext = Then it switched to these old black-and-white tapes of Bob Ross slumped against the wall of an empty room, painting the least happy trees you've ever seen. Either PBS needs to beef up studio security or I need to stop using Ambien to sleep.
This comic examines the way the world seems different for adults today compared with how we remember it as a child, due to complex subtext or naïvety, to a humorous extreme, and with a specific reference to {{w|television programs}} for children.
{{w|PBS}} is a US public television network known for {{w|highbrow}} and educational programming, and shows a high proportion of {{w|BBC}} programming. The show ''{{w|Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)|Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego}}'' was a light-hearted educational game show that ran from 1991 to 1995. In the show players followed geography-based clues to find out where a master criminal, Carmen Sandiego, was going, and catch her. After catching (or failing to catch) Carmen Sandiego, a character called The Chief would congratulate or encourage the players. Rockapella was an {{w|a cappella}} band featured on the show that gave clues, punctuated the show with humor, and closed the show.  
[[Megan]] recounts her surprise as to the nature of programming on late night PBS to [[Cueball]]. She claims to have fallen asleep after watching ''{{w|Downton Abbey}}'' and woken up to see that ''Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego'' is still making new episodes, but is significantly darker than she remembers it. The host has aged poorly (the show would have been off the air for 20 years) and developed a drinking problem; the locations the child contestants visit are traumatizing; and the children are clearly freaked out. In the end they find Carmen Sandiego hiding behind a Dutch bookcase, an allusion to ''{{w|The Diary of a Young Girl|The Diary of Anne Frank}}'', thus implying that instead of aiding legitimate law enforcement in finding thieves they have been aiding the Nazis in their search for Jews (and others) to murder. The Chief admonishes the children for their actions and Rockapella glares at the children disapprovingly until the children break down in tears.  
After Megan concludes her story, Cueball remarks that he did not remember the show being that dark. In response Megan replies that as kids, they may not have been able to understand the darker subtext of the show. It is true that some programs intended for children often have subtle themes for adults who may be watching the show with their children that the children do not usually remember or pick up on. The joke is that although young viewers may not be able to pick up on everything, they would certainly have noticed if the show was as dark as Megan described.{{Citation needed}}
The title text describes the next program, an episode of ''{{w|The Joy of Painting}}'', in which a depressingly weary painter paints unhappy trees. This contrasts with the usual mood of the show where {{w|Bob Ross}} was upbeat and the components of his paintings were described as "happy little" objects. Megan then postulates that either people are breaking into the television station to produce horrible programming, or she is experiencing {{w|hallucinations}} due to her sleep aid {{w|Ambien}}. This gives hallucination as an alternate explanation for the main comic.
===Locations visited===
*{{w|Mogadishu}} is the battle-torn capital city of {{w|Somalia}}, where the "{{w|Battle of Mogadishu (1993)|Battle of Mogadishu}}" took place in 1993, which would coincide with the air dates of ''Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego''.
*The {{w|Killing Fields}} are a number of sites in {{w|Cambodia}} where large numbers of people were killed and buried by the {{w|Khmer Rouge}} regime, during its rule of the country from 1975 to 1979, following the end of the {{w|Cambodian Civil War}} (1970-1975).
*"A bookshelf in a Dutch apartment" is a reference to {{w|Anne Frank}}, a Jewish girl who hid from the {{w|Nazi}}s with her family in a secret annex hidden behind a bookshelf in an apartment in {{w|Amsterdam}}. Her diary recounting her experiences was later published as the ''Diary of Anne Frank''.
===Carmen Sandiego===
''Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego'' was originally an educational {{w|video game}} released in 1985. {{w|Carmen Sandiego}} was a mysterious character that the player tracked around the globe, attempting to find clues as to where she was heading to next. The game helped players learn geography and facts about the world while having fun. The video game inspired the TV show ''Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?''.
The show was split into three rounds. In the first round, there were three child contestants, called “gumshoes” on the show, who scored points for every question they answered correctly. The top two scoring gumshoes moved onto the next round, where they had to play a game based on the card game {{w|Concentration (game)|Concentration}}, in which they had to find the thief, warrant, and loot in the correct order. Whichever gumshoe did so captured the thief, saved the loot, and moved onto the next round, where they had a chance to catch Carmen Sandiego herself. Success was not always guaranteed in this round, as contestants had to plant flags correct on seven different countries in a continent within a very short time. If successful, they captured Carmen and won the grand prize (a trip to a place of their choosing in the continental US). If not, Carmen would escape and the contestant would win a lesser prize (such as a computer).
The role of The Chief was played by {{w|Lynne Thigpen}}. She explained the mission to the contestants, and gave some clues to the thief's last whereabouts. When the mission was over The Chief would appear and congratulate them if successful or console them if Carmen got away.
The host of the TV show was an actor named {{w|Greg Lee (actor)|Greg Lee}}. His role was to ask the contestants questions, provide clues, and tell them which flags to plant on the map in the final round, as well as engage with The Chief and Rockapella to keep the show moving.
{{w|Rockapella}} was an {{w|A cappella|a cappella}} group (a group that sings without any instruments), which sang the theme song to ''Where in The World Is Carmen Sandiego.'' Rockapella also acted as a "house band", singing songs while the contestants transitioned between events, providing clues, and playing pranks on the host along with other gags. At the end of each show, the host and the episode's winning contestant would shout "Do it, Rockapella!" at which point the band would sing the show's theme song.
===Continuity issues===
The locations the contestants visit in the episode depicted in this comic seem to require traveling backwards in time (1993 for the Battle of Mogadishu, 1975-1979 for the Cambodian killing fields, and 1944 for the arrest of Anne Frank). Episodes of ''Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego'' did not deal with this, but its successor, ''{{w|Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)|Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego?}}'', did.
:[Megan with disheveled hair is rubbing sleep out of her eyes and talking to Cueball.]
:Megan: Have you ever watched PBS late at night?
:Megan: I fell asleep after ''Downton'' and woke up at like 3 AM.
:[The next panel is split in two. The upper portion, which is not in a frame, continues Megan's dialogue, while the lower part, in a frame, shows a drunk game-show host (indicated with two small bobbles and a third exploding next to his head). He has stubble and only little hair on his head. He is holding a bottle in one hand and the other hand is up over a TV monitor showing a black field filled with crosses, presumably graves, going out to the far off horizon. In front of him are three kids, who are contestants in the game. They stand behind three lecterns to the left. The first kid is a boy with thin black hair, who has turned away from the monitor. The middle kid is a girl with blonde hair in a ponytail who looks at the host, and the last kid looks like Cueball and he looks down at his lectern.]
:Megan (off-panel): ''Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego'' was back on, except the host hadn't aged well and he'd clearly been drinking.
:Megan (off-panel): Every question took them to some horrible place like Mogadishu or the Cambodian killing fields.
:[In a room with tiles on the floor, a bookshelf full of books has been moved away from the wall revealing that is was a door to be opened with a hidden room behind it. Megan continues to speak, her text is above the shelf but inside the frame this time.]
:Megan (off-panel): The kids were freaked out, but they kept playing. Eventually they were told they'd found Carmen Sandiego hiding behind a bookshelf in a Dutch apartment.
:[Megan has stopped rubbing her eyes but still talks to Cueball.]
:Megan: The Chief appeared and asked "Are you ''proud'' of what you've become?"
:Megan: Then Rockapella walked out and just glared at the kids until they started crying.
:Cueball: I, uh, don't remember the old show being that dark.
:Megan: Maybe we were too young to pick up on it.
*This is the second comic posted on a Leap Day ({{w|February 29}}), it was a Wednesday in 2012.
**The previous leap day was the first after xkcd began, and that day fell on a Friday in 2008, and the first leap day comic [[390: Nightmares]] was released then.
**The leap day after this comic also fell on a Friday in 2016 and [[1649: Pipelines]] was released then.
**If the current M-W-F schedule continues, the next such comic will not happen before 2036 when the leap day again falls on a Friday.
**Interesting to note that the first three leap years after xkcd began (in just over 10 years) all fell on a release day, then followed by a break of 20 years. And three of these first four leap days all fell on a Friday.
{{comic discussion}}
[[Category:Comics featuring Cueball]]
[[Category:Comics featuring Megan]]
[[Category:Comics featuring real people]] <!-- Bob Ross for certain and maybe the TV host -->
[[Category:Dreams]] <!-- Apart from the title text note, it is clearly not real what Megan has experiences at 3 AM.-->
[[Category:Multiple Cueballs]]

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