Difference between revisions of "User:CRLF/common.js"

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(test https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadget-twinklefluff.js&oldid=810165572)
(test https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadget-Twinkle.js&oldid=800285561)
Line 1: Line 1:
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* |                  === WARNING: GLOBAL GADGET FILE ===                    |
* |                Changes to this page affect many users.                  |
* |          Please discuss changes at [[WT:TW]] before editing.          |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* Imported from github [https://github.com/azatoth/twinkle].
* All changes should be made in the repository, otherwise they will be lost.
* To update this script from github, you must have a local repository set up. Then
* follow the instructions at [https://github.com/azatoth/twinkle/blob/master/README.md].
* ----------
* This is AzaToth's Twinkle, the popular script sidekick for newbies, admins, and
* every Wikipedian in between. Visit [[WP:TW]] for more information.
( function ( window, document, $, undefined ) { // Wrap with anonymous function
var Twinkle = {};
window.Twinkle = Twinkle;  // allow global access
// Check if account is experienced enough to use Twinkle
Twinkle.userAuthorized = Morebits.userIsInGroup( "autoconfirmed" ) || Morebits.userIsInGroup( "confirmed" );
// for use by custom modules (normally empty)
Twinkle.initCallbacks = [];
Twinkle.addInitCallback = function twinkleAddInitCallback( func ) {
Twinkle.initCallbacks.push( func );
Twinkle.defaultConfig = {};
* Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle and Twinkle.defaultConfig.friendly
* This holds the default set of preferences used by Twinkle. (The |friendly| object holds preferences stored in the FriendlyConfig object.)
* It is important that all new preferences added here, especially admin-only ones, are also added to
* |Twinkle.config.sections| in twinkleconfig.js, so they are configurable via the Twinkle preferences panel.
* For help on the actual preferences, see the comments in twinkleconfig.js.
Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle = {
// General
summaryAd: " ([[WP:TW|TW]])",
deletionSummaryAd: " ([[WP:TW|TW]])",
protectionSummaryAd: " ([[WP:TW|TW]])",
userTalkPageMode: "tab",
dialogLargeFont: false,
// ARV
spiWatchReport: "yes",
// Block
blankTalkpageOnIndefBlock: false,
// Fluff (revert and rollback)
openTalkPage: [ "agf", "norm", "vand" ],
openTalkPageOnAutoRevert: false,
markRevertedPagesAsMinor: [ "vand" ],
watchRevertedPages: [ "agf", "norm", "vand", "torev" ],
offerReasonOnNormalRevert: true,
confirmOnFluff: false,
showRollbackLinks: [ "diff", "others" ],
// DI (twinkleimage)
notifyUserOnDeli: true,
deliWatchPage: "default",
deliWatchUser: "default",
watchProdPages: true,
prodReasonDefault: "",
logProdPages: false,
prodLogPageName: "PROD log",
// CSD
speedySelectionStyle: "buttonClick",
watchSpeedyPages: [ "g3", "g5", "g10", "g11", "g12" ],
markSpeedyPagesAsPatrolled: true,
// these next two should probably be identical by default
notifyUserOnSpeedyDeletionNomination:    [ "db", "g1", "g2", "g3", "g4", "g6", "g10", "g11", "g12", "g13", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a5", "a7", "a9", "a10", "a11", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f7", "f9", "f10", "u3", "u5", "t2", "t3", "p1", "p2" ],
welcomeUserOnSpeedyDeletionNotification: [ "db", "g1", "g2", "g3", "g4", "g6", "g10", "g11", "g12", "g13", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a5", "a7", "a9", "a10", "a11", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f7", "f9", "f10", "u3", "u5", "t2", "t3", "p1", "p2" ],
promptForSpeedyDeletionSummary: [],
openUserTalkPageOnSpeedyDelete: [ "db", "g1", "g2", "g3", "g4", "g5", "g10", "g11", "g12", "a1", "a3", "a7", "a9", "a10", "a11", "f3", "f7", "f9", "u3", "u5", "t2", "p1" ],
deleteTalkPageOnDelete: true,
deleteRedirectsOnDelete: true,
deleteSysopDefaultToTag: false,
speedyWindowHeight: 500,
speedyWindowWidth: 800,
logSpeedyNominations: false,
speedyLogPageName: "CSD log",
noLogOnSpeedyNomination: [ "u1" ],
// Unlink
unlinkNamespaces: [ "0", "10", "100", "118" ],
// Warn
defaultWarningGroup: "1",
showSharedIPNotice: true,
watchWarnings: true,
customWarningList: [],
// XfD
xfdWatchDiscussion: "default",
xfdWatchList: "no",
xfdWatchPage: "default",
xfdWatchUser: "default",
markXfdPagesAsPatrolled: true,
// Hidden preferences
revertMaxRevisions: 50,
batchdeleteChunks: 50,
batchMax: 5000,
batchProtectChunks: 50,
batchundeleteChunks: 50,
proddeleteChunks: 50
// now some skin dependent config.
if ( mw.config.get( "skin" ) === "vector" ) {
Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletArea = "right-navigation";
Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletId  = "p-twinkle";
Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletName = "TW";
Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletType = "menu";
Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletNext = "p-search";
} else {
Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletArea =  null;
Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletId  = "p-cactions";
Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletName = null;
Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletType = null;
Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletNext = null;
Twinkle.defaultConfig.friendly = {
// Tag
groupByDefault: true,
watchTaggedPages: true,
watchMergeDiscussions: true,
markTaggedPagesAsMinor: false,
markTaggedPagesAsPatrolled: true,
tagArticleSortOrder: "cat",
customTagList: [],
// Welcome
topWelcomes: false,
watchWelcomes: true,
welcomeHeading: "Welcome",
insertHeadings: true,
insertUsername: true,
insertSignature: true,  // sign welcome templates, where appropriate
quickWelcomeMode: "norm",
quickWelcomeTemplate: "welcome",
customWelcomeList: [],
customWelcomeSignature: true,
// Talkback
markTalkbackAsMinor: true,
insertTalkbackSignature: true,  // always sign talkback templates
talkbackHeading: "Talkback",
adminNoticeHeading: "Notice",
mailHeading: "You've got mail!",
// Shared
markSharedIPAsMinor: true
Twinkle.getPref = function twinkleGetPref( name ) {
var result;
if ( typeof Twinkle.prefs === "object" && typeof Twinkle.prefs.twinkle === "object" ) {
// look in Twinkle.prefs (twinkleoptions.js)
result = Twinkle.prefs.twinkle[name];
} else if ( typeof window.TwinkleConfig === "object" ) {
// look in TwinkleConfig
result = window.TwinkleConfig[name];
if ( result === undefined ) {
return Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle[name];
return result;
Twinkle.getFriendlyPref = function twinkleGetFriendlyPref(name) {
var result;
if ( typeof Twinkle.prefs === "object" && typeof Twinkle.prefs.friendly === "object" ) {
// look in Twinkle.prefs (twinkleoptions.js)
result = Twinkle.prefs.friendly[ name ];
} else if ( typeof window.FriendlyConfig === "object" ) {
// look in FriendlyConfig
result = window.FriendlyConfig[ name ];
if ( result === undefined ) {
return Twinkle.defaultConfig.friendly[ name ];
return result;
* **************** Twinkle.addPortlet() ****************
* Adds a portlet menu to one of the navigation areas on the page.
* This is necessarily quite a hack since skins, navigation areas, and
* portlet menu types all work slightly different.
* Available navigation areas depend on the skin used.
* Monobook:
*  "column-one", outer div class "portlet", inner div class "pBody". Existing portlets: "p-cactions", "p-personal", "p-logo", "p-navigation", "p-search", "p-interaction", "p-tb", "p-coll-print_export"
*  Special layout of p-cactions and p-personal through specialized styles.
* Vector:
*  "mw-panel", outer div class "portal", inner div class "body". Existing portlets/elements: "p-logo", "p-navigation", "p-interaction", "p-tb", "p-coll-print_export"
*  "left-navigation", outer div class "vectorTabs" or "vectorMenu", inner div class "" or "menu". Existing portlets: "p-namespaces", "p-variants" (menu)
*  "right-navigation", outer div class "vectorTabs" or "vectorMenu", inner div class "" or "menu". Existing portlets: "p-views", "p-cactions" (menu), "p-search"
*  Special layout of p-personal portlet (part of "head") through specialized styles.
* Modern:
*  "mw_contentwrapper" (top nav), outer div class "portlet", inner div class "pBody". Existing portlets or elements: "p-cactions", "mw_content"
*  "mw_portlets" (sidebar), outer div class "portlet", inner div class "pBody". Existing portlets: "p-navigation", "p-search", "p-interaction", "p-tb", "p-coll-print_export"
* @param String navigation -- id of the target navigation area (skin dependant, on vector either of "left-navigation", "right-navigation", or "mw-panel")
* @param String id -- id of the portlet menu to create, preferably start with "p-".
* @param String text -- name of the portlet menu to create. Visibility depends on the class used.
* @param String type -- type of portlet. Currently only used for the vector non-sidebar portlets, pass "menu" to make this portlet a drop down menu.
* @param Node nextnodeid -- the id of the node before which the new item should be added, should be another item in the same list, or undefined to place it at the end.
* @return Node -- the DOM node of the new item (a DIV element) or null
Twinkle.addPortlet = function( navigation, id, text, type, nextnodeid )
//sanity checks, and get required DOM nodes
var root = document.getElementById( navigation );
if ( !root ) {
return null;
var item = document.getElementById( id );
if ( item ) {
if ( item.parentNode && item.parentNode === root ) {
return item;
return null;
var nextnode;
if ( nextnodeid ) {
nextnode = document.getElementById(nextnodeid);
//verify/normalize input
var skin = mw.config.get("skin");
type = ( skin === "vector" && type === "menu" && ( navigation === "left-navigation" || navigation === "right-navigation" )) ? "menu" : "";
var outerDivClass;
var innerDivClass;
switch ( skin )
case "vector":
if ( navigation !== "portal" && navigation !== "left-navigation" && navigation !== "right-navigation" ) {
navigation = "mw-panel";
outerDivClass = ( navigation === "mw-panel" ) ? "portal" : ( type === "menu" ? "vectorMenu" : "vectorTabs" );
innerDivClass = ( navigation === "mw-panel" ) ? "body" : ( type === "menu" ? "menu" : "" );
case "modern":
if ( navigation !== "mw_portlets" && navigation !== "mw_contentwrapper" ) {
navigation = "mw_portlets";
outerDivClass = "portlet";
innerDivClass = "pBody";
navigation = "column-one";
outerDivClass = "portlet";
innerDivClass = "pBody";
// Build the DOM elements.
var outerDiv = document.createElement( "div" );
outerDiv.className = outerDivClass + " emptyPortlet";
outerDiv.id = id;
if ( nextnode && nextnode.parentNode === root ) {
root.insertBefore( outerDiv, nextnode );
} else {
root.appendChild( outerDiv );
var h5 = document.createElement( "h3" );
if ( type === "menu" ) {
var span = document.createElement( "span" );
span.appendChild( document.createTextNode( text ) );
h5.appendChild( span );
var a = document.createElement( "a" );
a.href = "#";
$( a ).click(function ( e ) {
if ( !Twinkle.userAuthorized ) {
alert("Sorry, your account is too new to use Twinkle.");
h5.appendChild( a );
} else {
h5.appendChild( document.createTextNode( text ) );
outerDiv.appendChild( h5 );
var innerDiv = null;
if ( type === "menu" ) {
innerDiv = document.createElement( "div" );
innerDiv.className = innerDivClass;
var ul = document.createElement( "ul" );
(innerDiv || outerDiv).appendChild( ul );
return outerDiv;
* **************** Twinkle.addPortletLink() ****************
* Builds a portlet menu if it doesn't exist yet, and add the portlet link.
* @param task: Either a URL for the portlet link or a function to execute.
Twinkle.addPortletLink = function( task, text, id, tooltip )
if ( Twinkle.getPref("portletArea") !== null ) {
Twinkle.addPortlet( Twinkle.getPref( "portletArea" ), Twinkle.getPref( "portletId" ), Twinkle.getPref( "portletName" ), Twinkle.getPref( "portletType" ), Twinkle.getPref( "portletNext" ));
var link = mw.util.addPortletLink( Twinkle.getPref( "portletId" ), typeof task === "string" ? task : "#", text, id, tooltip );
$('.client-js .skin-vector #p-cactions').css('margin-right', 'initial');
if ( $.isFunction( task ) ) {
$( link ).click(function ( ev ) {
if ( $.collapsibleTabs ) {
return link;
* **************** General initialization code ****************
var scriptpathbefore = mw.util.wikiScript( "index" ) + "?title=",
    scriptpathafter = "&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&happy=yes";
// Retrieve the user's Twinkle preferences
url: scriptpathbefore + "User:" + encodeURIComponent( mw.config.get("wgUserName")) + "/twinkleoptions.js" + scriptpathafter,
dataType: "text"
.fail(function () { mw.util.jsMessage( "Could not load twinkleoptions.js" ); })
.done(function ( optionsText ) {
// Quick pass if user has no options
if ( optionsText === "" ) {
// Twinkle options are basically a JSON object with some comments. Strip those:
optionsText = optionsText.replace( /(?:^(?:\/\/[^\n]*\n)*\n*|(?:\/\/[^\n]*(?:\n|$))*$)/g, "" );
// First version of options had some boilerplate code to make it eval-able -- strip that too. This part may become obsolete down the line.
if ( optionsText.lastIndexOf( "window.Twinkle.prefs = ", 0 ) === 0 ) {
optionsText = optionsText.replace( /(?:^window.Twinkle.prefs = |;\n*$)/g, "" );
try {
var options = $.parseJSON( optionsText );
// Assuming that our options evolve, we will want to transform older versions:
//if ( options.optionsVersion === undefined ) {
// ...
// options.optionsVersion = 1;
//if ( options.optionsVersion === 1 ) {
// ...
// options.optionsVersion = 2;
// At the same time, twinkleconfig.js needs to be adapted to write a higher version number into the options.
if ( options ) {
Twinkle.prefs = options;
catch ( e ) {
mw.util.jsMessage("Could not parse twinkleoptions.js");
.always(function () {
$( Twinkle.load );
// Developers: you can import custom Twinkle modules here
// For example, mw.loader.load(scriptpathbefore + "User:UncleDouggie/morebits-test.js" + scriptpathafter);
Twinkle.load = function () {
// Don't activate on special pages other than "(Deleted)Contributions" so that they load faster, especially the watchlist.
var isSpecialPage = ( mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === -1 &&
mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') !== "Contributions" &&
mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') !== "DeletedContributions" &&
mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') !== "Prefixindex" ),
// Also, Twinkle is incompatible with Internet Explorer versions 8 or lower, so don't load there either.
isOldIE = ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' && $.client.profile().versionNumber < 9 );
// Prevent users that are not autoconfirmed from loading Twinkle as well.
if ( isSpecialPage || isOldIE || !Twinkle.userAuthorized ) {
// Prevent clickjacking
if ( window.top !== window.self ) {
// Set custom Api-User-Agent header, for server-side logging purposes
Morebits.wiki.api.setApiUserAgent( 'Twinkle/2.0 (' + mw.config.get( 'wgDBname' ) + ')' );
// Run the initialization callbacks for any custom modules
$( Twinkle.initCallbacks ).each(function ( k, v ) { v(); });
Twinkle.addInitCallback = function ( func ) { func(); };
// Increases text size in Twinkle dialogs, if so configured
if ( Twinkle.getPref( "dialogLargeFont" ) ) {
mw.util.addCSS( ".morebits-dialog-content, .morebits-dialog-footerlinks { font-size: 100% !important; } " +
".morebits-dialog input, .morebits-dialog select, .morebits-dialog-content button { font-size: inherit !important; }" );
} ( window, document, jQuery )); // End wrap with anonymous function
// </nowiki>

Revision as of 00:57, 21 May 2022

 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * |                  === WARNING: GLOBAL GADGET FILE ===                    |
 * |                Changes to this page affect many users.                  |
 * |           Please discuss changes at [[WT:TW]] before editing.           |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * Imported from github [https://github.com/azatoth/twinkle].
 * All changes should be made in the repository, otherwise they will be lost.
 * To update this script from github, you must have a local repository set up. Then
 * follow the instructions at [https://github.com/azatoth/twinkle/blob/master/README.md].
 * ----------
 * This is AzaToth's Twinkle, the popular script sidekick for newbies, admins, and
 * every Wikipedian in between. Visit [[WP:TW]] for more information.


( function ( window, document, $, undefined ) { // Wrap with anonymous function

var Twinkle = {};
window.Twinkle = Twinkle;  // allow global access

// Check if account is experienced enough to use Twinkle
Twinkle.userAuthorized = Morebits.userIsInGroup( "autoconfirmed" ) || Morebits.userIsInGroup( "confirmed" );

// for use by custom modules (normally empty)
Twinkle.initCallbacks = [];
Twinkle.addInitCallback = function twinkleAddInitCallback( func ) {
	Twinkle.initCallbacks.push( func );

Twinkle.defaultConfig = {};
 * Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle and Twinkle.defaultConfig.friendly
 * This holds the default set of preferences used by Twinkle. (The |friendly| object holds preferences stored in the FriendlyConfig object.)
 * It is important that all new preferences added here, especially admin-only ones, are also added to
 * |Twinkle.config.sections| in twinkleconfig.js, so they are configurable via the Twinkle preferences panel.
 * For help on the actual preferences, see the comments in twinkleconfig.js.
Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle = {
	 // General
	summaryAd: " ([[WP:TW|TW]])",
	deletionSummaryAd: " ([[WP:TW|TW]])",
	protectionSummaryAd: " ([[WP:TW|TW]])",
	userTalkPageMode: "tab",
	dialogLargeFont: false,
	 // ARV
	spiWatchReport: "yes",
	 // Block
	blankTalkpageOnIndefBlock: false,
	 // Fluff (revert and rollback)
	openTalkPage: [ "agf", "norm", "vand" ],
	openTalkPageOnAutoRevert: false,
	markRevertedPagesAsMinor: [ "vand" ],
	watchRevertedPages: [ "agf", "norm", "vand", "torev" ],
	offerReasonOnNormalRevert: true,
	confirmOnFluff: false,
	showRollbackLinks: [ "diff", "others" ],
	 // DI (twinkleimage)
	notifyUserOnDeli: true,
	deliWatchPage: "default",
	deliWatchUser: "default",
	 // PROD
	watchProdPages: true,
	prodReasonDefault: "",
	logProdPages: false,
	prodLogPageName: "PROD log",
	 // CSD
	speedySelectionStyle: "buttonClick",
	watchSpeedyPages: [ "g3", "g5", "g10", "g11", "g12" ],
	markSpeedyPagesAsPatrolled: true,
	// these next two should probably be identical by default
	notifyUserOnSpeedyDeletionNomination:    [ "db", "g1", "g2", "g3", "g4", "g6", "g10", "g11", "g12", "g13", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a5", "a7", "a9", "a10", "a11", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f7", "f9", "f10", "u3", "u5", "t2", "t3", "p1", "p2" ],
	welcomeUserOnSpeedyDeletionNotification: [ "db", "g1", "g2", "g3", "g4", "g6", "g10", "g11", "g12", "g13", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a5", "a7", "a9", "a10", "a11", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f7", "f9", "f10", "u3", "u5", "t2", "t3", "p1", "p2" ],
	promptForSpeedyDeletionSummary: [],
	openUserTalkPageOnSpeedyDelete: [ "db", "g1", "g2", "g3", "g4", "g5", "g10", "g11", "g12", "a1", "a3", "a7", "a9", "a10", "a11", "f3", "f7", "f9", "u3", "u5", "t2", "p1" ],
	deleteTalkPageOnDelete: true,
	deleteRedirectsOnDelete: true,
	deleteSysopDefaultToTag: false,
	speedyWindowHeight: 500,
	speedyWindowWidth: 800,
	logSpeedyNominations: false,
	speedyLogPageName: "CSD log",
	noLogOnSpeedyNomination: [ "u1" ],
	 // Unlink
	unlinkNamespaces: [ "0", "10", "100", "118" ],
	 // Warn
	defaultWarningGroup: "1",
	showSharedIPNotice: true,
	watchWarnings: true,
	customWarningList: [],
	 // XfD
	xfdWatchDiscussion: "default",
	xfdWatchList: "no",
	xfdWatchPage: "default",
	xfdWatchUser: "default",
	markXfdPagesAsPatrolled: true,
	 // Hidden preferences
	revertMaxRevisions: 50,
	batchdeleteChunks: 50,
	batchMax: 5000,
	batchProtectChunks: 50,
	batchundeleteChunks: 50,
	proddeleteChunks: 50

// now some skin dependent config.
if ( mw.config.get( "skin" ) === "vector" ) {
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletArea = "right-navigation";
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletId   = "p-twinkle";
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletName = "TW";
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletType = "menu";
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletNext = "p-search";
} else {
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletArea =  null;
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletId   = "p-cactions";
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletName = null;
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletType = null;
	Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle.portletNext = null;

Twinkle.defaultConfig.friendly = {
	 // Tag
	groupByDefault: true,
	watchTaggedPages: true,
	watchMergeDiscussions: true,
	markTaggedPagesAsMinor: false,
	markTaggedPagesAsPatrolled: true,
	tagArticleSortOrder: "cat",
	customTagList: [],
	 // Welcome
	topWelcomes: false,
	watchWelcomes: true,
	welcomeHeading: "Welcome",
	insertHeadings: true,
	insertUsername: true,
	insertSignature: true,  // sign welcome templates, where appropriate
	quickWelcomeMode: "norm",
	quickWelcomeTemplate: "welcome",
	customWelcomeList: [],
	customWelcomeSignature: true,
	 // Talkback
	markTalkbackAsMinor: true,
	insertTalkbackSignature: true,  // always sign talkback templates
	talkbackHeading: "Talkback",
	adminNoticeHeading: "Notice",
	mailHeading: "You've got mail!",
	 // Shared
	markSharedIPAsMinor: true

Twinkle.getPref = function twinkleGetPref( name ) {
	var result;
	if ( typeof Twinkle.prefs === "object" && typeof Twinkle.prefs.twinkle === "object" ) {
		// look in Twinkle.prefs (twinkleoptions.js)
		result = Twinkle.prefs.twinkle[name];
	} else if ( typeof window.TwinkleConfig === "object" ) {
		// look in TwinkleConfig
		result = window.TwinkleConfig[name];

	if ( result === undefined ) {
		return Twinkle.defaultConfig.twinkle[name];
	return result;

Twinkle.getFriendlyPref = function twinkleGetFriendlyPref(name) {
	var result;
	if ( typeof Twinkle.prefs === "object" && typeof Twinkle.prefs.friendly === "object" ) {
		// look in Twinkle.prefs (twinkleoptions.js)
		result = Twinkle.prefs.friendly[ name ];
	} else if ( typeof window.FriendlyConfig === "object" ) {
		// look in FriendlyConfig
		result = window.FriendlyConfig[ name ];

	if ( result === undefined ) {
		return Twinkle.defaultConfig.friendly[ name ];
	return result;

 * **************** Twinkle.addPortlet() ****************
 * Adds a portlet menu to one of the navigation areas on the page.
 * This is necessarily quite a hack since skins, navigation areas, and
 * portlet menu types all work slightly different.
 * Available navigation areas depend on the skin used.
 * Monobook:
 *  "column-one", outer div class "portlet", inner div class "pBody". Existing portlets: "p-cactions", "p-personal", "p-logo", "p-navigation", "p-search", "p-interaction", "p-tb", "p-coll-print_export"
 *  Special layout of p-cactions and p-personal through specialized styles.
 * Vector:
 *  "mw-panel", outer div class "portal", inner div class "body". Existing portlets/elements: "p-logo", "p-navigation", "p-interaction", "p-tb", "p-coll-print_export"
 *  "left-navigation", outer div class "vectorTabs" or "vectorMenu", inner div class "" or "menu". Existing portlets: "p-namespaces", "p-variants" (menu)
 *  "right-navigation", outer div class "vectorTabs" or "vectorMenu", inner div class "" or "menu". Existing portlets: "p-views", "p-cactions" (menu), "p-search"
 *  Special layout of p-personal portlet (part of "head") through specialized styles.
 * Modern:
 *  "mw_contentwrapper" (top nav), outer div class "portlet", inner div class "pBody". Existing portlets or elements: "p-cactions", "mw_content"
 *  "mw_portlets" (sidebar), outer div class "portlet", inner div class "pBody". Existing portlets: "p-navigation", "p-search", "p-interaction", "p-tb", "p-coll-print_export"
 * @param String navigation -- id of the target navigation area (skin dependant, on vector either of "left-navigation", "right-navigation", or "mw-panel")
 * @param String id -- id of the portlet menu to create, preferably start with "p-".
 * @param String text -- name of the portlet menu to create. Visibility depends on the class used.
 * @param String type -- type of portlet. Currently only used for the vector non-sidebar portlets, pass "menu" to make this portlet a drop down menu.
 * @param Node nextnodeid -- the id of the node before which the new item should be added, should be another item in the same list, or undefined to place it at the end.
 * @return Node -- the DOM node of the new item (a DIV element) or null
Twinkle.addPortlet = function( navigation, id, text, type, nextnodeid )
	//sanity checks, and get required DOM nodes
	var root = document.getElementById( navigation );
	if ( !root ) {
		return null;

	var item = document.getElementById( id );
	if ( item ) {
		if ( item.parentNode && item.parentNode === root ) {
			return item;
		return null;

	var nextnode;
	if ( nextnodeid ) {
		nextnode = document.getElementById(nextnodeid);

	//verify/normalize input
	var skin = mw.config.get("skin");
	type = ( skin === "vector" && type === "menu" && ( navigation === "left-navigation" || navigation === "right-navigation" )) ? "menu" : "";
	var outerDivClass;
	var innerDivClass;
	switch ( skin )
		case "vector":
			if ( navigation !== "portal" && navigation !== "left-navigation" && navigation !== "right-navigation" ) {
				navigation = "mw-panel";
			outerDivClass = ( navigation === "mw-panel" ) ? "portal" : ( type === "menu" ? "vectorMenu" : "vectorTabs" );
			innerDivClass = ( navigation === "mw-panel" ) ? "body" : ( type === "menu" ? "menu" : "" );
		case "modern":
			if ( navigation !== "mw_portlets" && navigation !== "mw_contentwrapper" ) {
				navigation = "mw_portlets";
			outerDivClass = "portlet";
			innerDivClass = "pBody";
			navigation = "column-one";
			outerDivClass = "portlet";
			innerDivClass = "pBody";

	// Build the DOM elements.
	var outerDiv = document.createElement( "div" );
	outerDiv.className = outerDivClass + " emptyPortlet";
	outerDiv.id = id;
	if ( nextnode && nextnode.parentNode === root ) {
		root.insertBefore( outerDiv, nextnode );
	} else {
		root.appendChild( outerDiv );

	var h5 = document.createElement( "h3" );
	if ( type === "menu" ) {
		var span = document.createElement( "span" );
		span.appendChild( document.createTextNode( text ) );
		h5.appendChild( span );

		var a = document.createElement( "a" );
		a.href = "#";

		$( a ).click(function ( e ) {

			if ( !Twinkle.userAuthorized ) {
				alert("Sorry, your account is too new to use Twinkle.");

		h5.appendChild( a );
	} else {
		h5.appendChild( document.createTextNode( text ) );
	outerDiv.appendChild( h5 );

	var innerDiv = null;
	if ( type === "menu" ) {
		innerDiv = document.createElement( "div" );
		innerDiv.className = innerDivClass;

	var ul = document.createElement( "ul" );
	(innerDiv || outerDiv).appendChild( ul );

	return outerDiv;

 * **************** Twinkle.addPortletLink() ****************
 * Builds a portlet menu if it doesn't exist yet, and add the portlet link.
 * @param task: Either a URL for the portlet link or a function to execute.
Twinkle.addPortletLink = function( task, text, id, tooltip )
	if ( Twinkle.getPref("portletArea") !== null ) {
		Twinkle.addPortlet( Twinkle.getPref( "portletArea" ), Twinkle.getPref( "portletId" ), Twinkle.getPref( "portletName" ), Twinkle.getPref( "portletType" ), Twinkle.getPref( "portletNext" ));
	var link = mw.util.addPortletLink( Twinkle.getPref( "portletId" ), typeof task === "string" ? task : "#", text, id, tooltip );
	$('.client-js .skin-vector #p-cactions').css('margin-right', 'initial');
	if ( $.isFunction( task ) ) {
		$( link ).click(function ( ev ) {
	if ( $.collapsibleTabs ) {
	return link;

 * **************** General initialization code ****************

var scriptpathbefore = mw.util.wikiScript( "index" ) + "?title=",
    scriptpathafter = "&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&happy=yes";

// Retrieve the user's Twinkle preferences
	url: scriptpathbefore + "User:" + encodeURIComponent( mw.config.get("wgUserName")) + "/twinkleoptions.js" + scriptpathafter,
	dataType: "text"
	.fail(function () {	mw.util.jsMessage( "Could not load twinkleoptions.js" ); })
	.done(function ( optionsText ) {

		// Quick pass if user has no options
		if ( optionsText === "" ) {

		// Twinkle options are basically a JSON object with some comments. Strip those:
		optionsText = optionsText.replace( /(?:^(?:\/\/[^\n]*\n)*\n*|(?:\/\/[^\n]*(?:\n|$))*$)/g, "" );

		// First version of options had some boilerplate code to make it eval-able -- strip that too. This part may become obsolete down the line.
		if ( optionsText.lastIndexOf( "window.Twinkle.prefs = ", 0 ) === 0 ) {
			optionsText = optionsText.replace( /(?:^window.Twinkle.prefs = |;\n*$)/g, "" );

		try {
			var options = $.parseJSON( optionsText );

			// Assuming that our options evolve, we will want to transform older versions:
			//if ( options.optionsVersion === undefined ) {
			// ...
			// options.optionsVersion = 1;
			//if ( options.optionsVersion === 1 ) {
			// ...
			// options.optionsVersion = 2;
			// At the same time, twinkleconfig.js needs to be adapted to write a higher version number into the options.

			if ( options ) {
				Twinkle.prefs = options;
		catch ( e ) {
			mw.util.jsMessage("Could not parse twinkleoptions.js");
	.always(function () {
		$( Twinkle.load );

// Developers: you can import custom Twinkle modules here
// For example, mw.loader.load(scriptpathbefore + "User:UncleDouggie/morebits-test.js" + scriptpathafter);

Twinkle.load = function () {
	// Don't activate on special pages other than "(Deleted)Contributions" so that they load faster, especially the watchlist.
	var isSpecialPage = ( mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === -1 &&
		mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') !== "Contributions" &&
		mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') !== "DeletedContributions" &&
		mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') !== "Prefixindex" ),

		// Also, Twinkle is incompatible with Internet Explorer versions 8 or lower, so don't load there either.
		isOldIE = ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' && $.client.profile().versionNumber < 9 );

	// Prevent users that are not autoconfirmed from loading Twinkle as well.
	if ( isSpecialPage || isOldIE || !Twinkle.userAuthorized ) {

	// Prevent clickjacking
	if ( window.top !== window.self ) {

	// Set custom Api-User-Agent header, for server-side logging purposes
	Morebits.wiki.api.setApiUserAgent( 'Twinkle/2.0 (' + mw.config.get( 'wgDBname' ) + ')' );

	// Run the initialization callbacks for any custom modules
	$( Twinkle.initCallbacks ).each(function ( k, v ) { v(); });
	Twinkle.addInitCallback = function ( func ) { func(); };

	// Increases text size in Twinkle dialogs, if so configured
	if ( Twinkle.getPref( "dialogLargeFont" ) ) {
		mw.util.addCSS( ".morebits-dialog-content, .morebits-dialog-footerlinks { font-size: 100% !important; } " +
			".morebits-dialog input, .morebits-dialog select, .morebits-dialog-content button { font-size: inherit !important; }" );

} ( window, document, jQuery )); // End wrap with anonymous function

// </nowiki>



 *** twinklefluff.js: Revert/rollback module
 * Mode of invocation:     Links on history, contributions, and diff pages
 * Active on:              Diff pages, history pages, contributions pages
 * Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig

 Twinklefluff revert and antivandalism utility

Twinkle.fluff = {
	auto: function() {
		if( parseInt( Morebits.queryString.get('oldid'), 10) !== mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') ) {
			// not latest revision
			alert("Can't rollback, page has changed in the meantime.");

		var vandal = $("#mw-diff-ntitle2").find("a.mw-userlink").text();

		Twinkle.fluff.revert( Morebits.queryString.get( 'twinklerevert' ), vandal, true );
	normal: function() {

		var spanTag = function( color, content ) {
			var span = document.createElement( 'span' );
			span.style.color = color;
			span.appendChild( document.createTextNode( content ) );
			return span;

		if( mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === -1 && mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') === "Contributions" ) {
			//Get the username these contributions are for
			var logLink = $('#contentSub').find('a[title^="Special:Log"]').last();
			if (logLink.length>0) //#215 -- there is no log link on Special:Contributions with no user
				var username = decodeURIComponent(/wiki\/Special:Log\/(.+)$/.exec(logLink.attr("href").replace(/_/g, "%20"))[1]);
				if( Twinkle.getPref('showRollbackLinks').indexOf('contribs') !== -1 ||
					( mw.config.get('wgUserName') !== username && Twinkle.getPref('showRollbackLinks').indexOf('others') !== -1 ) ||
					( mw.config.get('wgUserName') === username && Twinkle.getPref('showRollbackLinks').indexOf('mine') !== -1 ) ) {
					var list = $("#mw-content-text").find("ul li:has(span.mw-uctop)");

					var revNode = document.createElement('strong');
					var revLink = document.createElement('a');
					revLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
					revLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'SteelBlue', 'rollback' ) );
					revLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );

					var revVandNode = document.createElement('strong');
					var revVandLink = document.createElement('a');
					revVandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
					revVandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Red', 'vandalism' ) );
					revVandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );

					list.each(function(key, current) {
						var href = $(current).children("a:eq(1)").attr("href");
						current.appendChild( document.createTextNode(' ') );
						var tmpNode = revNode.cloneNode( true );
						tmpNode.firstChild.setAttribute( 'href', href + '&' + Morebits.queryString.create( { 'twinklerevert': 'norm' } ) );
						current.appendChild( tmpNode );
						current.appendChild( document.createTextNode(' ') );
						tmpNode = revVandNode.cloneNode( true );
						tmpNode.firstChild.setAttribute( 'href', href + '&' + Morebits.queryString.create( { 'twinklerevert': 'vand' } ) );
						current.appendChild( tmpNode );
		} else {

			if( mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') === "Undelete" ) {
				//You can't rollback deleted pages!

			var firstRev = $("div.firstrevisionheader").length;
			if( firstRev ) {
				// we have first revision here, nothing to do.

			var otitle, ntitle;
			try {
				var otitle1 = document.getElementById('mw-diff-otitle1');
				var ntitle1 = document.getElementById('mw-diff-ntitle1');
				if (!otitle1 || !ntitle1) {
				otitle = otitle1.parentNode;
				ntitle = ntitle1.parentNode;
			} catch( e ) {
				// no old, nor new title, nothing to do really, return;

			var old_rev_url = $("#mw-diff-otitle1").find("strong a").attr("href");

			// Lets first add a [edit this revision] link
			var query = new Morebits.queryString( old_rev_url.split( '?', 2 )[1] );

			var oldrev = query.get('oldid');

			var revertToRevision = document.createElement('div');
			revertToRevision.setAttribute( 'id', 'tw-revert-to-orevision' );
			revertToRevision.style.fontWeight = 'bold';

			var revertToRevisionLink = revertToRevision.appendChild( document.createElement('a') );
			revertToRevisionLink.href = "#";
			revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
			revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'SaddleBrown', 'restore this version' ) );
			revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );

			otitle.insertBefore( revertToRevision, otitle.firstChild );

			if( document.getElementById('differences-nextlink') ) {
				// Not latest revision
				var new_rev_url = $("#mw-diff-ntitle1").find("strong a").attr("href");
				query = new Morebits.queryString( new_rev_url.split( '?', 2 )[1] );
				var newrev = query.get('oldid');
				revertToRevision = document.createElement('div');
				revertToRevision.setAttribute( 'id', 'tw-revert-to-nrevision' );
				revertToRevision.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
				revertToRevisionLink = revertToRevision.appendChild( document.createElement('a') );
				revertToRevisionLink.href = "#";
				revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
				revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'SaddleBrown', 'restore this version' ) );
				revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );
				ntitle.insertBefore( revertToRevision, ntitle.firstChild );

			if( Twinkle.getPref('showRollbackLinks').indexOf('diff') !== -1 ) {
				var vandal = $("#mw-diff-ntitle2").find("a").first().text();

				var revertNode = document.createElement('div');
				revertNode.setAttribute( 'id', 'tw-revert' );

				var agfNode = document.createElement('strong');
				var vandNode = document.createElement('strong');
				var normNode = document.createElement('strong');

				var agfLink = document.createElement('a');
				var vandLink = document.createElement('a');
				var normLink = document.createElement('a');

				agfLink.href = "#";
				vandLink.href = "#";
				normLink.href = "#";
					Twinkle.fluff.revert('agf', vandal);
					Twinkle.fluff.revert('vand', vandal);
					Twinkle.fluff.revert('norm', vandal);

				agfLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
				agfLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'DarkOliveGreen', 'rollback (AGF)' ) );
				agfLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );

				vandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
				vandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Red', 'rollback (VANDAL)' ) );
				vandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );

				normLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
				normLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'SteelBlue', 'rollback' ) );
				normLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );


				revertNode.appendChild( agfNode );
				revertNode.appendChild( document.createTextNode(' || ') );
				revertNode.appendChild( normNode );
				revertNode.appendChild( document.createTextNode(' || ') );
				revertNode.appendChild( vandNode );

				ntitle.insertBefore( revertNode, ntitle.firstChild );

Twinkle.fluff.revert = function revertPage( type, vandal, autoRevert, rev, page ) {
	if (mw.util.isIPv6Address(vandal)) {
		vandal = Morebits.sanitizeIPv6(vandal);

	var pagename = page || mw.config.get('wgPageName');
	var revid = rev || mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId');

	Morebits.status.init( document.getElementById('mw-content-text') );
	$( '#catlinks' ).remove();

	var params = {
		type: type,
		user: vandal,
		pagename: pagename,
		revid: revid,
		autoRevert: !!autoRevert
	var query = {
		'action': 'query',
		'prop': ['info', 'revisions', 'flagged'],
		'titles': pagename,
		'rvlimit': 50, // max possible
		'rvprop': [ 'ids', 'timestamp', 'user', 'comment' ],
		'intoken': 'edit'
	var wikipedia_api = new Morebits.wiki.api( 'Grabbing data of earlier revisions', query, Twinkle.fluff.callbacks.main );
	wikipedia_api.params = params;

Twinkle.fluff.revertToRevision = function revertToRevision( oldrev ) {

	Morebits.status.init( document.getElementById('mw-content-text') );

	var query = {
		'action': 'query',
		'prop': ['info',  'revisions'],
		'titles': mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
		'rvlimit': 1,
		'rvstartid': oldrev,
		'rvprop': [ 'ids', 'timestamp', 'user', 'comment' ],
		'intoken': 'edit',
		'format': 'xml'
	var wikipedia_api = new Morebits.wiki.api( 'Grabbing data of the earlier revision', query, Twinkle.fluff.callbacks.toRevision.main );
	wikipedia_api.params = { rev: oldrev };

Twinkle.fluff.userIpLink = function( user ) {
	return (mw.util.isIPAddress(user) ? "[[Special:Contributions/" : "[[User:" ) + user + "|" + user + "]]";

Twinkle.fluff.callbacks = {
	toRevision: {
		main: function( self ) {
			var xmlDoc = self.responseXML;

			var lastrevid = parseInt( $(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('lastrevid'), 10);
			var touched = $(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('touched');
			var starttimestamp = $(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('starttimestamp');
			var edittoken = $(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('edittoken');
			var revertToRevID = $(xmlDoc).find('rev').attr('revid');
			var revertToUser = $(xmlDoc).find('rev').attr('user');

			if (revertToRevID !== self.params.rev) {
				self.statitem.error( 'The retrieved revision does not match the requested revision.  Aborting.' );

			var optional_summary = prompt( "Please specify a reason for the revert:                                ", "" );  // padded out to widen prompt in Firefox
			if (optional_summary === null)
				self.statelem.error( 'Aborted by user.' );
			var summary = Twinkle.fluff.formatSummary("Reverted to revision " + revertToRevID + " by $USER", revertToUser, optional_summary);

			var query = {
				'action': 'edit',
				'title': mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
				'summary': summary,
				'token': edittoken,
				'undo': lastrevid,
				'undoafter': revertToRevID,
				'basetimestamp': touched,
				'starttimestamp': starttimestamp,
				'watchlist': Twinkle.getPref('watchRevertedPages').indexOf( 'torev' ) !== -1 ? 'watch' : undefined,
				'minor': Twinkle.getPref('markRevertedPagesAsMinor').indexOf( 'torev' ) !== -1  ? true : undefined

			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = mw.config.get('wgPageName');
			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = "Reversion completed";

			var wikipedia_api = new Morebits.wiki.api( 'Saving reverted contents', query, Twinkle.fluff.callbacks.complete, self.statelem);
			wikipedia_api.params = self.params;

	main: function( self ) {
		var xmlDoc = self.responseXML;

		var lastrevid = parseInt( $(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('lastrevid'), 10);
		var touched = $(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('touched');
		var starttimestamp = $(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('starttimestamp');
		var edittoken = $(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('edittoken');
		var lastuser = $(xmlDoc).find('rev').attr('user');

		var revs = $(xmlDoc).find('rev');

		if( revs.length < 1 ) {
			self.statelem.error( 'We have less than one additional revision, thus impossible to revert' );
		var top = revs[0];
		if( lastrevid < self.params.revid ) {
			Morebits.status.error( 'Error', [ 'The most recent revision ID received from the server, ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', lastrevid ), ', is less than the ID of the displayed revision. This could indicate that the current revision has been deleted, the server is lagging, or that bad data has been received. Will stop proceeding at this point.' ] );
		var index = 1;
		if( self.params.revid !== lastrevid  ) {
			Morebits.status.warn( 'Warning', [ 'Latest revision ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', lastrevid ), ' doesn\'t equal our revision ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.revid ) ] );
			if( lastuser === self.params.user ) {
				switch( self.params.type ) {
				case 'vand':
					Morebits.status.info( 'Info', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ) , '. As we assume vandalism, we continue to revert' ]);
				case 'agf':
					Morebits.status.warn( 'Warning', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ) , '. As we assume good faith, we stop reverting, as the problem might have been fixed.' ]);
					Morebits.status.warn( 'Notice', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ) , ', but we will stop reverting anyway.' ] );
			else if(self.params.type === 'vand' &&
					Twinkle.fluff.whiteList.indexOf( top.getAttribute( 'user' ) ) !== -1 && revs.length > 1 &&
					revs[1].getAttribute( 'pageId' ) === self.params.revid) {
				Morebits.status.info( 'Info', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', lastuser ), ', a trusted bot, and the revision before was made by our vandal, so we proceed with the revert.' ] );
				index = 2;
			} else {
				Morebits.status.error( 'Error', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', lastuser ), ', so it might have already been reverted, stopping  reverting.'] );


		if( Twinkle.fluff.whiteList.indexOf( self.params.user ) !== -1  ) {
			switch( self.params.type ) {
			case 'vand':
				Morebits.status.info( 'Info', [ 'Vandalism revert was chosen on ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ), '. As this is a whitelisted bot, we assume you wanted to revert vandalism made by the previous user instead.' ] );
				index = 2;
				self.params.user = revs[1].getAttribute( 'user' );
			case 'agf':
				Morebits.status.warn( 'Notice', [ 'Good faith revert was chosen on ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ), '. This is a whitelisted bot, and since bots have no faith, AGF rollback will not proceed.' ] );
			case 'norm':
				/* falls through */
				var cont = confirm( 'Normal revert was chosen, but the most recent edit was made by a whitelisted bot (' + self.params.user + '). Do you want to revert the revision before instead?' );
				if( cont ) {
					Morebits.status.info( 'Info', [ 'Normal revert was chosen on ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ), '. This is a whitelisted bot, and per confirmation, we\'ll revert the previous revision instead.' ] );
					index = 2;
					self.params.user = revs[1].getAttribute( 'user' );
				} else {
					Morebits.status.warn( 'Notice', [ 'Normal revert was chosen on ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ), '. This is a whitelisted bot, but per confirmation, revert on top revision will proceed.' ] );
		var found = false;
		var count = 0;

		for( var i = index; i < revs.length; ++i ) {
			if( revs[i].getAttribute( 'user' ) !== self.params.user ) {
				found = i;

		if( ! found ) {
			self.statelem.error( [ 'No previous revision found. Perhaps ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ), ' is the only contributor, or that the user has made more than ' + Twinkle.getPref('revertMaxRevisions') + ' edits in a row.' ] );

		if( ! count ) {
			Morebits.status.error( 'Error', "We were to revert zero revisions. As that makes no sense, we'll stop reverting this time. It could be that the edit has already been reverted, but the revision ID was still the same." );

		var good_revision = revs[ found ];
		var userHasAlreadyConfirmedAction = false;
		if (self.params.type !== 'vand' && count > 1) {
			if ( !confirm( self.params.user + ' has made ' + count + ' edits in a row. Are you sure you want to revert them all?') ) {
				Morebits.status.info( 'Notice', 'Stopping reverting per user input' );
			userHasAlreadyConfirmedAction = true;

		self.params.count = count;

		self.params.goodid = good_revision.getAttribute( 'revid' );
		self.params.gooduser = good_revision.getAttribute( 'user' );

		self.statelem.status( [ ' revision ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.goodid ), ' that was made ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', count ), ' revisions ago by ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.gooduser ) ] );

		var summary, extra_summary;
		switch( self.params.type ) {
		case 'agf':
			extra_summary = prompt( "An optional comment for the edit summary:                              ", "" );  // padded out to widen prompt in Firefox
			if (extra_summary === null)
				self.statelem.error( 'Aborted by user.' );
			userHasAlreadyConfirmedAction = true;

			summary = Twinkle.fluff.formatSummary("Reverted [[WP:AGF|good faith]] edits by $USER", self.params.user, extra_summary);

		case 'vand':

			summary = "Reverted " + self.params.count + (self.params.count > 1 ? ' edits' : ' edit') + " by [[Special:Contributions/" +
				self.params.user + "|" + self.params.user + "]] ([[User talk:" + self.params.user + "|talk]]) to last revision by " +
				self.params.gooduser + "." + Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd');

		case 'norm':
			/* falls through */
			if( Twinkle.getPref('offerReasonOnNormalRevert') ) {
				extra_summary = prompt( "An optional comment for the edit summary:                              ", "" );  // padded out to widen prompt in Firefox
				if (extra_summary === null)
					self.statelem.error( 'Aborted by user.' );
				userHasAlreadyConfirmedAction = true;

			summary = Twinkle.fluff.formatSummary("Reverted " + self.params.count + (self.params.count > 1 ? ' edits' : ' edit') +
				" by $USER", self.params.user, extra_summary);

		if (Twinkle.getPref('confirmOnFluff') && !userHasAlreadyConfirmedAction && !confirm("Reverting page: are you sure?")) {
			self.statelem.error( 'Aborted by user.' );

		var query;
		if( (!self.params.autoRevert || Twinkle.getPref('openTalkPageOnAutoRevert')) &&
				Twinkle.getPref('openTalkPage').indexOf( self.params.type ) !== -1 &&
				mw.config.get('wgUserName') !== self.params.user ) {
			Morebits.status.info( 'Info', [ 'Opening user talk page edit form for user ', Morebits.htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ) ] );

			query = {
				'title': 'User talk:' + self.params.user,
				'action': 'edit',
				'preview': 'yes',
				'vanarticle': self.params.pagename.replace(/_/g, ' '),
				'vanarticlerevid': self.params.revid,
				'vanarticlegoodrevid': self.params.goodid,
				'type': self.params.type,
				'count': self.params.count

			switch( Twinkle.getPref('userTalkPageMode') ) {
			case 'tab':
				window.open( mw.util.wikiScript('index') + '?' + Morebits.queryString.create( query ), '_blank' );
			case 'blank':
				window.open( mw.util.wikiScript('index') + '?' + Morebits.queryString.create( query ), '_blank',
					'location=no,toolbar=no,status=no,directories=no,scrollbars=yes,width=1200,height=800' );
			case 'window':
				/* falls through */
				window.open( mw.util.wikiScript('index') + '?' + Morebits.queryString.create( query ),
					( window.name === 'twinklewarnwindow' ? '_blank' : 'twinklewarnwindow' ),
					'location=no,toolbar=no,status=no,directories=no,scrollbars=yes,width=1200,height=800' );

		// figure out whether we need to/can review the edit
		var $flagged = $(xmlDoc).find('flagged');
		if ((Morebits.userIsInGroup('reviewer') || Morebits.userIsInGroup('sysop')) &&
				$flagged.length &&
				$flagged.attr("stable_revid") >= self.params.goodid &&
				$flagged.attr("pending_since")) {
			self.params.reviewRevert = true;
			self.params.edittoken = edittoken;

		query = {
			'action': 'edit',
			'title': self.params.pagename,
			'summary': summary,
			'token': edittoken,
			'undo': lastrevid,
			'undoafter': self.params.goodid,
			'basetimestamp': touched,
			'starttimestamp': starttimestamp,
			'watchlist' :  Twinkle.getPref('watchRevertedPages').indexOf( self.params.type ) !== -1 ? 'watch' : undefined,
			'minor': Twinkle.getPref('markRevertedPagesAsMinor').indexOf( self.params.type ) !== -1 ? true : undefined

		Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = self.params.pagename;
		Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = "Reversion completed";

		var wikipedia_api = new Morebits.wiki.api( 'Saving reverted contents', query, Twinkle.fluff.callbacks.complete, self.statelem);
		wikipedia_api.params = self.params;

	complete: function (apiobj) {
		// TODO Most of this is copy-pasted from Morebits.wiki.page#fnSaveSuccess. Unify it
		var xml = apiobj.getXML();
		var $edit = $(xml).find('edit');
		var blacklist = $edit.attr('spamblacklist');
		if (blacklist) {
			var code = document.createElement('code');
			code.style.fontFamily = "monospace";
			apiobj.statelem.error(['Could not rollback, because the URL ', code, ' is on the spam blacklist.']);
		} else if ( $(xml).find('captcha').length > 0 ) {
			apiobj.statelem.error("Could not rollback, because the wiki server wanted you to fill out a CAPTCHA.");
		} else if ( $edit.attr('code') === 'abusefilter-disallowed' ) {
			apiobj.statelem.error('The edit was disallowed by the edit filter rule "' + $edit.attr('info').substring(17) + '".');
		} else if ( $edit.attr('info') && $edit.attr('info').indexOf('Hit AbuseFilter:') === 0 ) {
			var div = document.createElement('div');
			div.className = "toccolours";
			div.style.fontWeight = "normal";
			div.style.color = "black";
			div.innerHTML = $edit.attr('warning');
			apiobj.statelem.error([ 'The following warning was returned by the edit filter: ', div, 'If you wish to proceed with the rollback, please reload this page (F5 or Ctrl+R) and carry it out again. This warning will not appear a second time.' ]);
		} else if ($edit.attr('nochange') === '') {
			apiobj.statelem.warn("Revision we are reverting to is identical to current revision: Nothing to do");
		} else {

			// review the revert, if needed
			if (apiobj.params.reviewRevert) {
				var query = {
					'action': 'review',
					'revid': $edit.attr('newrevid'),
					'token': apiobj.params.edittoken,
					'comment': Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd').trim()
				var wikipedia_api = new Morebits.wiki.api('Automatically accepting your changes', query);

// builtInString should contain the string "$USER", which will be replaced
// by an appropriate user link
Twinkle.fluff.formatSummary = function(builtInString, userName, userString) {
	var result = builtInString;

	// append user's custom reason with requisite punctuation
	if (userString) {
		result += ': ' + Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(userString);
		if (userString.search(/[.?!;]$/) === -1) {
			result += '.';
	} else {
		result += '.';
	result += Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd');

	// find number of UTF-8 bytes the resulting string takes up, and possibly add
	// a contributions or contributions+talk link if it doesn't push the edit summary
	// over the 255-byte limit
	var resultLen = unescape(encodeURIComponent(result.replace("$USER", ""))).length;
	var contribsLink = "[[Special:Contributions/" + userName + "|" + userName + "]]";
	var contribsLen = unescape(encodeURIComponent(contribsLink)).length;
	if (resultLen + contribsLen <= 255) {
		var talkLink = " ([[User talk:" + userName + "|talk]])";
		if (resultLen + contribsLen + unescape(encodeURIComponent(talkLink)).length <= 255) {
			result = Morebits.string.safeReplace(result, "$USER", contribsLink + talkLink);
		} else {
			result = Morebits.string.safeReplace(result, "$USER", contribsLink);
	} else {
		result = Morebits.string.safeReplace(result, "$USER", userName);

	return result;

Twinkle.fluff.init = function twinklefluffinit() {
	if (Twinkle.userAuthorized)
		// A list of usernames, usually only bots, that vandalism revert is jumped over; that is,
		// if vandalism revert was chosen on such username, then its target is on the revision before.
		// This is for handling quick bots that makes edits seconds after the original edit is made.
		// This only affects vandalism rollback; for good faith rollback, it will stop, indicating a bot
		// has no faith, and for normal rollback, it will rollback that edit.
		Twinkle.fluff.whiteList = [

		if ( Morebits.queryString.exists( 'twinklerevert' ) ) {
		} else {
