User talk:Omega

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Revision as of 02:21, 22 February 2013 by (talk) (Welcome)
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Welcome to my talk page. Feel free to chat me up: I usually reply. Actually, I always reply. With hugs. And sometimes kittens. Maybe even a pony or two. Wearing cowboy boots.

I appreciate that this was a hloribre event to wake up to and that the Rimuhosting staff scrambled to correct the problems. I recognize also that Rimuhosting has been at the mercy of third parties with whom it contracts to provide service to its clients/customers. There are only so many variables one can reasonably manage and failures will happen from time to time e28094 just the nature of the beast.However, one thing I don't understand is how e28094 short of a direct lightning strike e28094 a power event could corrupt some servers. It's as if this Dallas data center has no provision for UPS battery backup so that servers could be brought down (relatively) cleanly.I'm getting the impression that many servers were simply deprived of power on the spot e28094 no clean shutdown process. As a result, the file systems (and some VPS's) may have been corrupted.I don't expect uninterrupted power, but I do think it's reasonable that secondary power be available at least long enough for on-site technicians to manually shut down the servers to ensure a better start-up process once power has been restored.If I'm mistaken and if battery backup was in place, then what led to the inability of a number of servers to come back up? (This question excludes config-related issues such as SSL certs and the like.) If I'm not mistaken, what measures are being taken to correct this so that future power events can be handled more gracefully by this data center?Thanks for your work and for providing direct and straightforward status reports to your customers.