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The hulls make the very best ever Blood Balance Formula filling for pillows, the very nutritious flour makes the best pancakes as well as other breads and noodles. The seeds (technically berries) are used as groats and kashi and who knows what all else as breakfast cereals. I understand the honey derived from the blossoms is an acquired taste, but loved by those who acquire it, and guinea fowl sing out its praises with their racous "Buckwheat". The stalks are used as feed for livestock, plowed under for for green manure (cover crop), and a field of them in bloom is a wondrous sight to behold.

I just read an article on the web (I don't remember exactly where) regarding a promising role of using buckwheat in the diet to treat diabetes, The University of Manitoba in Canada has found that it contains an unusually high level of chero-inositol, a compound that is very effective in lowering blood glucose in diabetic rats. They are proceeding with studies on humans, and believe they will show similar results.

I think there should be an organization or society formed to extol and and promote the virtues and benefits of the here-to-fore lowly buckwheat plant, and all it produces. Maybe there is one already. Anyone know of one? Hail to the buckwheat plant. The guinea fowl could be the mascot.Twenty-five percent of the population will never get diabetes no matter how many carbohydrates they eat. The rest of us are not so lucky and have to watch out.
