
Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
Revision as of 18:11, 20 August 2012 by Lcarsos (talk | contribs)
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The username is lcarsos. pronounced el-cars-oh-ess. The only other acceptable capitalizations are LCARSOS or LCARS OS. The second of those is frowned upon because that should be used for any project attempting to create an LCARS operating system, or overlay/window manager. And lastly, never Lcarsos, despicable.

I'm just a big xkcd and Star Trek fan (props if you got the reference).

Mainly I'm just working backwards from the beginning to fix pages, updating them to the current header, adding categories, fixing double redirects, etc. I also try to find as much work for the admins as possible (just kidding).

I'm about to write a ruby script that will help me create pages as I'm wandering backwards.

I'm currently at 1019: First Post

Categories I forget
For future reference, Comics featuring Ponytail