
Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
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What, I'm supposed to write something here?

Ok, but this may get me in trouble. I'm a fiscally liberal social/religious conservative, which puts me at political odds with Randall to the point I can't stand the comics every 4 years or so. And I actively disagree with the concept that post 2004, climate change is primarily anthropomorphic; I am not a climate change denier, I just thing that with the melting tundra and resultant methane release in 2004 that any attempt to stop climate change at this point is ridiculous, and that our only chance of survival is technical evolution (and stop building cities in deserts and stop building anything other than temporary resorts on seashores).

Other than that, I appreciate this comic for the math. And the archeology. And the occasional long form, slow frame rate, animation cartoons.