User:Certified nqh

Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
Revision as of 03:43, 23 October 2023 by Certified nqh (talk | contribs)
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nqh sit.png
"I am not an artist" - Me

The final word

Here is your designated space for creating the illusion that you have the final word:

If this is still here, nobody has edited it yet.

Glad that's over with.


I'm a high school junior.

CST (UTC-6) is my time zone.

NQH stands for NotQuiteHadouken, which is what I changed it to after I got tired of people making jokes about my last username. NotQuiteHadouken is a Joel reference.

nqh pfp.jpg is my pfp in most places

nqh sit name.png is my pfp on github specifically

My playlist is at least 180 songs.

I don't like country songs and I don't like TV.

My favorite...

  • Browser is firefox.
  • Thing from McDonalds is the McDouble.
  • Thing from taco bell is Tacos Locos without sour cream.
  • Thing from subway is footlong white bread toasted with turkey, bacon, provolone, lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles.
  • Soda is A&W cream soda.
  • Mode of transportation is walking, second is cycling. This will change.
  • Anime is JJBA.

The practical thing I am best at is coding. The impractical thing I am best at is sleeping.

I am 5'9". I think.

Cool things I own are...

  • A weather radio that runs on a 9V battery
  • Two rectangular prisms with 3D laser engravings in them of flowers

I have 4 computers, 2 of which I use regularly and the other 2 are broken in my closet.

I can read.

My brain

Languages I know are English (native), Spanish (pretty good), and toki pona.

Languages I have tried to learn at some point are Russian, German, and Japanese.

As far as I can remember, my IQ is 152 in the US system and 142 in the EU system.

Scripts I can read are Latin, Cyrillic, Hindu-Arabic numerals, katakana, hiragana, and some kanji.

I can read.

My code

I can code in C, C#, C++, yaml, lua, luau, python, brainfuck, and mindustry processor.

I mostly use C# along with YAML and FTL, though.

I do use luau at points (in life you have roblox).

Anything related to scripting is done on Windows 10 because I am a purist asshole.

My HTML magic happens on chromebook between the hours of 9 pm and 1 am.

I'm busy learning HTML, CSS, and JS. I'm best at CSS.


I have no idea how I found out about xkcd.

I can guarantee I've read about 75% of all comics.

Favorite character is Black Hat.

This site

I found out about explainxkcd because I googled something, this site popped up, and I wanted to look at it.

Here's my sandbox.

Sometimes I end up reading the latest comic here instead of on XKCD.

This is my style sheet on this. (Note: Janky ahh hell, use at your own risk)

This is the dark mode I came up with.

I've made 1,192 changes to 133 pages and have a score of 198.

People who are pretty cool

someone, i guess, theusaf

John Conway, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein

Matt Parker, Steve Mould, Mark Rober, Sebastian Lague, CodeParade, Tom Scott

Mark Z. Danielewski, Suzanne Collins

And you, for deciding to read my user page. :).

Did you know...


04:30, 22 October 2023 (UTC): I just loaded in this page and the "I am not an artist" image decided to have some graphics glitch where the top half broke and I thought the world was ending for some reason.

23:17, 22 October 2023 (UTC): i own a flask

02:29, 23 October 2023 (UTC): i'm tired

03:43, 23 October 2023 (UTC): decided to go and press random and on like my 4th click it sent me to the latest comic. 0.5% lookin a