112: Baring My Heart

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Revision as of 23:12, 8 August 2012 by Bpothier (talk | contribs) (Corrected date per xkcd archive page)
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baring my heart.png

Image Text

I'm just trying to explain, please don't be jealous! Man, why are all my relationships ruined by early 90's rappers?


In the image, Randall tries to explain his intentions of his relationship with his significant other by drawing a Venn-diagram. A Venn-diagram, for those who didn't pay attention in math class, shows collections of elements (the circles) and their relationships (the overlap of the circles). Deduction of the above diagram leads to an element called “You” that is part of the collection “People who can always make me smile”, as well as “People I want to spend the test of my life with”, as well as “People who constantly show me new things to love about the world”, meaning it possesses all of these characteristics. Sigh, romantic.

However, another element called Vanilla Ice (which is a reference to the artist most famous for his 1990 hit “Ice Ice Baby”) is also part of the last two collections, meaning Vanilla Ice possesses almost the same characteristics as You. And since this is a romantic outing, people tend to get jealous if another person almost possesses the same attraction to their significant other as themselves. And that explains the image text.

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Rikthoff (talk) The issue date is definitely off, as i don't have a clue about the creation date of the comic. Can anyone fix?

I really had no idea Vanilla Ice was from Caucasus, I thought he was an American of German, English, and Irish descent. But I guess you learn something new every day. 17:32, 25 June 2014 (UTC)

Vanilla Ice is not a descendant from Caucasus mountains! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanilla_Ice
He may be a Caucasoid (or Europid) though. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasian_race
But I strongly suspect that "Caucasian" here means merely "a white person". http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/Caucasian
As this meaning of the term is chiefly North American and not universal, it causes confusion for other readers. I think it should be replaced by a less politically correct but a more clear term "white".Georgri (talk) 07:30, 21 September 2014 (UTC)

Hey! I read the ebook of xkcd: volume 0 and this comic had "M.C. Hamster" at the bottom. What happened to that??? (please tell me on my talk page.) -- 11:31, 2 February 2020 (UTC)

This is a Euler Diagram, not a Venn.

Sorry. Please read the category page carefully.