767: Temper

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Mr. Rogers projected an air of genuine, unwavering, almost saintly pure-hearted decency. But when you look deeper, at the person behind the image... that's exactly what you find there, too. He's exactly what he appears to be.
Title text: Mr. Rogers projected an air of genuine, unwavering, almost saintly pure-hearted decency. But when you look deeper, at the person behind the image... that's exactly what you find there, too. He's exactly what he appears to be.


Actor Mel Gibson was the subject of controversy a few days before this comic came out because a telephone rant was taped and released to the public. He laughed off the call, saying simply "I have a bit of a temper." In a broader sense, it's almost cliche for celebrities who cultivate friendly and charming public personas to be revealed as behaving badly in their personal lives. Most savvy viewers will tend to be suspicious of any celebrity who always seem kind and caring, as such could be part of a carefully curated image, and does not necessarily reflect the person's true nature.

Fred Rogers was a minister and television personality best known for his children's educational show Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, which aired on American public television for over 30 years. Because of his program's popularity and longevity, 'Mister Rogers' became not only an icon of children's programming, but a beloved figure in American culture, with generations of children growing up with him.

Rogers' on-air persona was consistently warm and friendly, actively trying to make children feel special and loved, and teaching lessons about creativity, character, and kindness. While urban legends emerged about him having some kind of dark past, all of these were entirely false. In truth, his life was entirely untainted by any kind of real scandal, and people who knew him uniformly agree that he was just as caring and compassionate in real life as he was on the air.

This comic contrasts Rogers with a typical celebrity scandal. It presents Rogers fictionally recorded having a fight with his wife. The title and caption set up the expectation of a dramatic, Mel Gibson-style explosive rage, but the actual comic presents Rogers handling a family conflict with a calm, open, and loving attitude consistent with his real personality. The title text does the same, setting up for a shocking reveal and failing to meet it.


[A black frame with the text [NO VIDEO] in the center, speech is in bubbles.]
Voice: Sometimes, when we disagree, I feel frustrated. But I never forget how lucky I am to have you in my family.
Voice: Always remember how special you are.
[Caption below the panel]:
1981: An audio recorder on the set catches Fred Rogers fighting with his wife.

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A blade with no temper is a letter opener or a butter knife. One that keeps its temper perfectly is good enough for the best swords. -- Weatherlawyer (talk) (please sign your comments with ~~~~)

I think he is also referenced in what if 146, stop Jupiter. Should it be added? {{ 12:38, 3 April 2017 (UTC)}}

One time, someone stole Fred Rodger's car but gave it back and sincerely apologized once he realized whose car he stole. Or so I've been told.