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Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
Revision as of 16:55, 30 July 2012 by Jeff (talk | contribs) (Getting started)
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Welcome to the Explain XKCD wiki


Explaining XKCD comics is a hard job. We cannot do it alone. Please sign up for an account and contribute! We need explanations for comics, characters, themes, memes and everything in between.

XKCD [1]

Getting started

If you are setting up a new page for a new (or old) comic, please make sure you also redirect the comic number to that page as well.

The syntax for redirects is: #REDIRECT [[pagename]]


Don't be a jerk. There are a lot of comics that don't have set in stone explanations, feel free to put multiple interpretations in the wiki page for each comic.

If you want to talk about a specific comic, the Discussion page is perfect for that.

If you have a message for an admin, feel free to leave a message on their personal discussion page.