Talk:814: Diode

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...but watch out for that knee if it's a Zenor diode! 00:39, 3 May 2013 (UTC)

"Zener", not "Zenor" 12:59, 23 November 2013 (UTC)

If cueball's words are indeed negative, they will pass trough the diode... But he still wo'nt appologize asuming an apology is positive. - 15:44, 20 May 2014 (UTC)

1. A negative charge is what electrons have, so it won't pass through the diode, because Megan has the negative side.
2. A 'postive' apology (i.e. one with a positive charge, which is what you meant here) wouldn't flow at all, because charges don't go from positive to negative , so even if it was just a normal wire it still wouldn't flow.
3. You probably mean that the apology wouldn't flow, not that he wouldn't apologize.

Just on the structure, (ignoring the spelling errors, because I am pretty English isn't your first language) 'won't' stands for 'will not', so the apostrophe is a contraction of the 'o'. Beanie (talk) 12:30, 26 April 2021 (UTC)

I'm still having a problem with this, since the electrons are the mobile charge carriers and 'current' is a fiction. If anything is passing between them, it's got to be the electrons, not the 'current'. Like Randall, I've fantasized about going back and setting Ben Franklin straight about this, but then I thought that removing that one little speed bump in everyone's understanding of electricity could have accellerated technology just that little bit that would have resulted in having the atomic bomb in time for World War I. So, I've decided not to go back, it may have been a mistake with a highly practical outcome.

Is there a timeline (50% of them, I suppose) that have Ben getting it right, in which things go horribly wrong?

Why do you think his name is Ben? Beanie (talk) 12:31, 26 April 2021 (UTC)
ben, short for benjamin franklin Treeplate (talk) 18:14, 23 December 2024 (UTC)