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This is a list of "age milestones" in the United States. As usual for Randall, he has added many fictional entries to supplement some real life ones.
This is a list of "age milestones" in the United States. As usual for Randall, he has added many fictional entries to supplement some real life ones.

Revision as of 08:10, 20 August 2022

Age Milestone Privileges
If you reach 122, you get complete unrevertible editorial control over Jeanne Calment's Wikipedia article.
Title text: If you reach 122, you get complete unrevertible editorial control over Jeanne Calment's Wikipedia article.


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This is a list of "age milestones" in the United States. As usual for Randall, he has added many fictional entries to supplement some real life ones.

Age Privilege Description
16 Drive Legal driving age varies by state in the US, but 16 is the highest age to qualify for a learner's permit.
17 Attend R-Rated movies Alone In the US, the Motion Picture Association assigns ratings to movies based on whether content in said movie is generally acceptable to present to minors. A rating of "R" is supposed to prohibit viewing by minors under 17 years of age unless a parent or guardian accompanies them.
18 Vote Twenty-sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution prevents a minimum age of voting from being set above eighteen but does not preclude a minimum age below eighteen. The vast majority but not all states use eighteen years as the minimum age for voting.
21 Buy Alcohol In the US, the legal drinking age is 21 years, although other countries have a lower drinking age (Example: In Japan the legal age to drink is 20.).
25 Rent a car Car rental companies charge higher rates for underage drivers; traditionally the minimum age is 25.
30 Run for Senate This entry is incorrect: one must be at least 30 years old in order to become Senator, not run for Senate. Joe Biden was 29 years old when he was first elected to Senate but turned 30 before being sworn in.
32 Rent a Senator's Car This is the first joke entry in the table. For one thing, most Senators do not rent out their cars, which they probably use regularly because they have jobs[citation needed] and typically don't sleep in the Capitol Building,[citation needed] to random strangers.[citation needed]
35 Run for president In the US a person must be at least 35 years old to be eligible to the Office of President.
40 Rent a flying car
45 Learn about the God-empress Obviously, the god-empress does not actually exist because this comic is visible to people under 45 years old.[citation needed]. According to 1413, she will be public knowledge by 2040 anyway.
50 Join AARP Full AARP (formerly called the American Association of Retired Persons) membership is available to anyone age 50 and over. AARP
50 Get a shingles vaccine At the time of the comic, the CDC recommended that adults 50 years and older get the shingles vaccine called Shingrix (this line was not in the original version of the comic, corrected later)
52 Click to skip captchas
55 Vote for God-empress
62 $80 national parks lifetime pass https://www.nps.gov/planyourvisit/passes.htm
65 Eligible for Medicare
67 Collect Social Security
68 See "Skip ads" button on live tv 68 refers to a "Skip ads" button on live TV. Some DVRs and streaming applications have a feature to skip over commercial breaks in recorded programs, but this could not be available in live TV, since it would require jumping forward in time. Time travel is currently impossible.[citation needed]
70 Run for God-empress The name suggests that this would also only be available to women.
75 Ride any animal in a national park The National Parks Service probably could institute this relatively safety because most people over 75 would not be able to run fast enough to outrun/catch up to an animal and mount it[citation needed] and would not have the rebellious/risk-taking/adventurous streak that would incline them to try.[citation needed]
80 Eligible for Megacare This is based off of becoming eligible for Medicare at age 65.
85 Click to toggle whether an ad is positive or negative about the product
90 Click to make any movie R-rated
100 Get a letter from the president In the US (which other milestones, such as running for president starting at age 35, indicate is the country being referred to), you instead get congratulated by the weatherman on the Today Show. However, the United Kingdom is much closer; people there get a telegram from the Queen on their 100th birthday.
102 (35+67) Collect a presidential pension The idea behind this joke is that it is the minimum age of presidency plus the minimal age to collect Social Security. There are several reasons why this must be a joke. Two are that Social Security begins 67 years after the person was born, not 67 years after the person's job started, and that the United States government would not bother to set up such a system because the vast majority of people, including former presidents, do not live to 102 years old; in fact, as of 2022, no former United States president has ever lived to 102 years old.
105 Get a birthday card from the God-empress Being a god-empress would be more important than being the leader of a single country. This would make the god-empresses's time more valuable, too valuable to be wasted on people who die between their 100th and 105th birthdays.
111 Leave your own birthday party early by putting on a magic ring This is a reference to the Lord of the Rings where Bilbo leaves his eleventy-first birthday party (the Bilbo Baggins Farewell Birthday Party) by using the ring.
118 Vote 100 times This would happen earlier because there would often be multiple elections per year, e.g., primaries, general elections, and possibly runoffs, and even if there were only one election each year, this would actually be the person's 101st election, at least if the election were held at the same time of each year. If the sole election of each year were held at a different time of each year, someone who voted in every election would vote for the 100th time at either 116, 117, or 118.
120 Collect the pensions of all elected officials
125 Drink alcohol in an R-rated movie while getting a shingles vaccine from the president This entry apparently references four earlier milestones (attending an R-rated movie, drinking alcohol, becoming President, and getting the shingles vaccine) whose corresponding ages (17, 21, 35, and 50) sum to 123. While not exactly 125, this may have contributed to the inspiration or age selection of this milestone.
128 Age rolls over, become a baby again 128 is a reference to computers because it is a power of two (specifically to the power of seven)—though 128 would become either -128 or -0 (depending upon implementation) in signed 8-bit, which means you would have a weird experience of your next phase of life. For unsigned integers, the correct rollback number would be 256. However, maybe the system uses 7 bits, analogously to ASCII, perhaps because it has never needed an eighth bit. Computers using such systems would have a Y2K-analogous bug once someone reached 128 years old, where they would think that that person is a baby, but that has not happened yet.

The title text mentions Jeanne Calment, who holds the record for the oldest person ever (there are biblical references to older people, such as Methuselah, who supposedly lived to 969, but their ages haven't been verified); she reportedly was age 122 when the died in 1997. Randall claims that if you match her age you get editorial control over her Wikipedia page. Not there's some controversy whether Calment actually claimed her mother's records (including birth certificate) as her own, and "editing wars" have been fought over her article. However, if anyone managed to exceed her age, presumably they would get their own page (albeit that they should not be encouraged to edit it themselves) and hers would cease to be as interesting, although that might depend on what use is made of the unparalleled editorial control now granted.


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Age Milestones
and associated privileges

16  Drive
17  Attend R-rated movies alone
18  Vote
21  Buy alcohol
25  Rent a car
32  Run for senate
35  Run for president
40  Rent a flying car
45  Learn about the God-Empress
50  Join AARP
50  Get a shingles vaccine
52  Click to skip captchas
55  Vote for God-Empress
62  $80 National parks lifetime pass
65  Eligible for Medicare
67  Collect Social Security
68  See "Skip Ads" button on live TV
70  Run for God-Empress
75  Ride any animal in a national park
80  Eligible for MegaCare
85  Click to toggle whether any ad is positive or negative about the product
90  Click to make any movie R-rated
100  Get a letter from the president
102  (35+67) Collect a presidential pension
105  Get a birthday card from the God-Empress
111  Leave your own birthday party early by putting on a magic ring
118  Vote 100 times
120  Collect the pensions of all elected officials
125  Drink alcohol in an R-rated movie while getting a shingles vaccine from the president
128  Age rolls over, become a baby again

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Who is God empress? (talk) 23:05, 19 August 2022 (please sign your comments with ~~~~)

I reminds me of the God-empress of Missouri from an earlier comic about nested WWII speculation. (talk) 23:17, 19 August 2022 (please sign your comments with ~~~~)
That's comic 2149, yeah. There's also "I Swear Allegiance To The God-Empress In Life And In Death" in comic 1413, a phrase that will suddenly be very familiar in the year 2038. 03:28, 20 August 2022 (UTC)
The age to learn about Her Majesty, the God-empress is accurate, you kids will just think he's joking before you turn 45 and hear Her voice in your head. (talk) 23:56, 19 August 2022 (please sign your comments with ~~~~)

The age must be stored in a 7 bit number because it wraps back to zero when 128 is reached. - Brian K (talk) 23:52, 19 August 2022 (please sign your comments with ~~~~)

(Hey, you eager lot, you've all forgotten to (properly, if at all) sign your discussion contributions...)
...if it were 8-bit signed, unchecked bitwise rollover could be awkward. Especially in 1's Compliment. 00:23, 20 August 2022 (UTC)

Make sure the explanations you’re putting in the table are explanations, not reviews of the comic! I agree with the fact that the comic is “America-centric,” but things like that should be stripped of opinion before being put into the article. A better way to put that might be (before the table) “Since Randall lives in America, many of the entries in this comic are specific to the U.S.” Szeth Pancakes (talk) 01:39, 20 August 2022 (UTC)

Image has been updated, a new line item at age 50 for shingles vaccine. Whosoever knows how to fix the image on this site, please do so. Mrob27 (talk) 05:24, 20 August 2022 (UTC)

I think perhaps the 125 item was meant to be (17+21+35+50) but Randall got it wrong. Mrob27 (talk) 05:51, 20 August 2022 (UTC)

I think 118 means thereafter you get to vote 100 times in each election, not that you have voted 100 times ever. Not correcting the table yet, as I may be the only one who thinks this. Miamiclay (talk) 06:34, 20 August 2022 (UTC)

I thought that, for what it's worth (there wasn't even a table when I first was here, though, and left everyone else to get on with it). If nobody else mentions it ('officially'), I may do so later. 08:47, 20 August 2022 (UTC)
I assumed a joke about getting to cast 100 votes in each subsequent election, but the explanation could be what he meant. 09:05, 20 August 2022 (UTC)
I agree it's much funnier, but I believe Randall would have thought to write "Vote 100 times per election". Mrob27 (talk) 07:10, 22 August 2022 (UTC)
On further thought, I realized that every other item in the list is a privilege gained at a particular age, rather than an accomplishment, so the alternative explanation makes no sense and should probably be deleted. If anyone agrees, feel free to do so. 17:59, 22 August 2022 (UTC)
It could also be a one-off benefit - you get to vote 100 times in the next election after you reach this milestone, or in any election falling in the year that you are this age. 10:06, 24 August 2022 (UTC)
There are people who DON'T think it's 100 times per election? It is incredibly clear. None of these are accomplishments, including this one, they're privileges bestowed. No WONDER the explanation seemed to go off on a tangent, counting votes! I mean, who the hell votes every year??! I only see ANYTHING to vote in on average every 3 or 4 years. Yeah, definitely delete the counting votes stuff. NiceGuy1 (talk) 04:25, 28 August 2022 (UTC)

I don't think it was deliberate, but I think a certain editor ended up globally deleting some words (without going back to check the Diffs: car, election, Senator, years) from the text when adding something new. Be careful. Easy to restore, and hopefully I did that even whilst retaining the legitimate-looking edit that coincided with that error, but seems like something I need to mention as having happened. 20:31, 20 August 2022 (UTC)

I suspect that the "age rolls over" idea came from the Wikipedia search excerpt using Duck Duck Go in Firefox (haven't checked anywhere else) - Screenshot --Steve (talk) 02:10, 21 August 2022 (UTC)

128 is also where the accumulated lives of Super Mario roll back over to zero. L-Space Traveler (talk) 00:59, 22 August 2022 (UTC)

The Age 18 title is "buy alcohol" but the discussion is all about drinking alcohol. They are different things. Jgharston (talk) 11:24, 22 August 2022 (UTC)

There's no particular reason why a God-Empress should have to be in power for life. They might serve a given term, or simply until they choose to hand over the title, and then retire to a life of retreat in their temple, or something. 15:54, 22 August 2022 (UTC)

Well, it could indeed be something very like that.... (Everyone less than 45 will have to continue to think this is just a joke, of course.) 16:33, 22 August 2022 (UTC)

I take it whoever wrote the skip captcha entry is barely out of short trousers if they think that over-52s are 'old' and 'move slowly'? I'd suggest Randall probably chose this age because it (roughly, and currently) aligns with the start of the Unix epoch - these are people 'born before computer time'. 08:16, 23 August 2022 (UTC)

The reference to the Ambassador car seems a bit of a stretch - an ambassador is quite a different thing to a senator. 08:23, 23 August 2022 (UTC)

Are we sure people don't get letters from the president at 100? My great grandma lived to be 103 and she got one at 100 and each year after. That was back in the early 90's and might not still happen.-RatedArgh

You can still request a presidential greeting at https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-greeting/ for a birthday or other personal milestones, and I would be surprised if such requests were ever refused. Of course, one might argue that there is a distinction to be made between a letter from the President and a robosigned form letter from the White House Communications Agency (?). 18:52, 24 August 2022 (UTC)

I wonder if the privileges at 85 and 90 are a reference to changing perception not reality. I certainly know old people with hearing & CNS irregularities who will perceive an ad as positive or negative depending much more on their current mood than the actual content in the ad. 08:35, 24 August 2022 (UTC)

WHY does the R-rating entry specifically mention NC-17?? Why would that rating be more interesting? I THINK it's the highest before R, but so what? That's the significance of the entry, changing the rating. Seems like G would be a bigger deal, either denying kids their movies or making kids' movies inappropriate for kids... If I get no explanation in a few days I'll delete that part. NiceGuy1 (talk) 04:25, 28 August 2022 (UTC)

The order of movie ratings,from most to least accessible is G, PG PG13 R NC17(formerly X). Thus changing an NC17 to an R rating would make it more accessible.(whether by changing the movie to fit the rating or just allowing more people to see it) It's worth noting that NC17 is the only rating that movie theaters actually check ID for, the other ratings are only guidelines. Many movie theaters won't even show NC17 movies, so it is very common for movie studios to edit any movies that recieve an initial NC17 rating until it recieves an R. 02:01, 30 August 2022 (UTC)

The description for 'See "Skip ads" button on live TV' says that it would require time travel, but that's not always true. Many TV shows are a first-time "live" broadcast of a pre-recorded show. It is technically possible to have a "Skip ads" button that moves forward in the pre-recorded show. It would switch to a On Demand-style streaming, similar to how some cable systems allow starting a "live TV" show over from the beginning, before the show has finished airing, by switching to an On Demand show behind the scenes. Note to self: patent this. Mschmitt (talk) 19:52, 28 August 2022 (UTC)

"Skip ads on live TV" to me clearly mean that "live TV" switches over to a On Demand model in the future. "Click to toggle whether ad is positive" appears to refer to AI-generated ads, where parameters of the ads can be tweaked in real time. A few years later, whole movies are latent space defined and can be modified with a single click. 03:59, 17 December 2022 (UTC)