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Growth - It's been said over and over that the[https://spontaneousreview.com/uncompromised-life-review/ Uncompromised Life]  same thinking that created a problem is not the same thinking that can solve the problem. A bit obvious when its put to us like that, but still so many of us still try to apply new things to the outside of our lives without trying to work on the inside of us. When most of us were kids we weren't taught to apply new thinking or we weren't challenged to grow personally, nor were we given the tools. So most of us assumed we just grow naturally, however that isn't true. We must be purposeful about our growth and life hands to each and every person the most perfect environment for them to grow in, if only they open their eyes to see. Guaranteed if you looked into your toolbox you will see personal growth as a necessary tool for a more fulfilling life. Reach in and grab it in 2014.
What is the real trade you make for the work [https://neighboursreview.com/uncompromised-life-review/ Uncompromised Life] you do? It's pretty obvious that we are trading our time and our talents in exchange for money when we are employed by a company.But do we ever consider the real trade that is being made; you might be saying to yourself what else am I trading? How about your life? Do you realize that every second of every day that you spend working is time that is gone forever; you never get that time back, you have traded the only life you have for it.
Trust - Those that learn to place their trust not in man but in the love that has brought forth purpose through them are able to tap into the universal powers that are there to aid them in all their hopes and dreams. By placing trust in this universal power they know everything can and will work together for not only their good but also the good of the universe. Do yourself a favour this year and see if you need to withdraw from your toolbox of love, more trust.
Now I realize that most of the world has bought into the idea that we need to work and I also believe we should work. It is also necessary for people to earn money to maintain the standard of living of their choice. But do you realize how many people are working just for the money?In many cases they don't like what they do and they don't particularly like the people they work with either.Ask yourself this important question: If it was not for the money would I continue to do what I am doing? If your answer is yes then you probably love your work and that is great. But if your answer is no then you should start to give some serious consideration to what you would love to do.
Faith - Faith is the language in which we connect with God. When we learn to walk not by what we physically see, but by heeding to the visions that light up a path of wellness, fruitfulness and love for everyone who desires to see, we unveil the glory that God stored in us all. Dipping into our toolbox of love and using faith will bring us more happiness and fulfilment.
I believe that our personal work should always bring us great satisfaction. If you love your work you give the best of yourself and it shows. You also create a worth while product or service that will truly benefit humanity. Have you ever noticed that all of the talents that human beings possess benefit others?Trump, Stewart, Gates, Schwarzenegger...
[https://neighboursreview.com/uncompromised-life-review/ https://neighboursreview.com/uncompromised-life-review/]
[https://spontaneousreview.com/uncompromised-life-review/ https://spontaneousreview.com/uncompromised-life-review/]

Revision as of 05:06, 30 March 2020

Growth - It's been said over and over that theUncompromised Life same thinking that created a problem is not the same thinking that can solve the problem. A bit obvious when its put to us like that, but still so many of us still try to apply new things to the outside of our lives without trying to work on the inside of us. When most of us were kids we weren't taught to apply new thinking or we weren't challenged to grow personally, nor were we given the tools. So most of us assumed we just grow naturally, however that isn't true. We must be purposeful about our growth and life hands to each and every person the most perfect environment for them to grow in, if only they open their eyes to see. Guaranteed if you looked into your toolbox you will see personal growth as a necessary tool for a more fulfilling life. Reach in and grab it in 2014.

Trust - Those that learn to place their trust not in man but in the love that has brought forth purpose through them are able to tap into the universal powers that are there to aid them in all their hopes and dreams. By placing trust in this universal power they know everything can and will work together for not only their good but also the good of the universe. Do yourself a favour this year and see if you need to withdraw from your toolbox of love, more trust.

Faith - Faith is the language in which we connect with God. When we learn to walk not by what we physically see, but by heeding to the visions that light up a path of wellness, fruitfulness and love for everyone who desires to see, we unveil the glory that God stored in us all. Dipping into our toolbox of love and using faith will bring us more happiness and fulfilment.
