Category:Incomplete explanations

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We live in an increasingly global world. In fact, Abundance With Money as I have often mentioned, American companies are strongly involved in growth stories playing out in places like China, Brazil, Russia, Indonesia, India and elsewhere - so, partly for this reason, I wanted to give you a flavor of growth expectations from major global economies that our companies are involved in. Secondly, I also believe that international assets should be a part of a well-diversified portfolio and so it helps to understand, at a very high level, where to potentially invest your money internationally for the best possible returns, perhaps through country specific ETFs.

As luck would have it, I recently ran into an article titled Global Stock Market Valuations And Expected Future Returns at a website called Gurufocus that focuses on investments. So let me share some of their insights in the context of global investing.The article looked at 14 major developed economies - the usual suspects - USA, Canada, Australia, major European economies and Japan and South Korea, and 6 major developing economies - China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico and Russia. Now, this list of 20 countries in itself is a handy shortlist of countries to consider when investing internationally, with investments in developed countries for stable returns and portfolio diversification and investments in emerging countries for a bit of a Ferrari effect.

Next, the authors used historical data to predict future market returns in each of these countries. And they did this by looking at expected future economic and business growth, expected dividend payouts and expected changes in the collective market valuations of companies in each of these countries. Then, very simply, they added these three factors to predict future market returns.