Category:Incomplete explanations

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There's nothing out there but your thinking."Uncompromised Life Lester Levenson said this often. What did he mean? Most of us think that the world happens to us, when the reality of it is just the opposite. WE are the creators of our "movie". Most of it is SUB conscious, so we are not aware of it, but it happens just the same. Whether we like it or not, our thoughts are producing on the screen of space, and we live it. So, what can we do about it? Change what we think, feel, and our wants by releasing with the Sedona Method. It is the only fast way I know of to do it, and I've tried just about everything else. As we release, we can watch subtle changes happen in our picture.

People will act differently towards us, and things just get better. We "fix" our world by working with goals, and releasing on them. What we think of as a solid reality is in actuality a changeable film. Lester saw this as he was going free in 1952. This is a fun experiment to illustrate your creative power. The next time you are stopped next to someone at a traffic signal, look at the person in the other car when they are not looking at you. Tell them in your mind to turn and look back. You will be amazed at the result. Also, when you need parking space in a full lot, let go (if you know the Method) of wanting to have a space.

If you don't know the Method just see yourself parking there and let go. This changing world picture idea is shocking to many at first, but it is exciting to know you can change it. "If someone else did it, there's nothing you can do. If you did it, you can undo it"...Lester. I have had done this a myriad of times, so I know from my experience it works." We must prove to ourselves we are masters of this world and not victims," he said. "We need to let go of our non-winning programs and be winners".