Category:Incomplete explanations

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Hypertension is a national epidemic. At least Protocole Contre Hypertension La 40 million of Americans are affected with it. The older you are, the chances of getting it are higher, particularly if you are black. Before age 50, males are more likely to have hypertension than females. After the age of menopause, females are more likely than males to be hypertensive.

It is said that some estimate that 40 percent of the people who suffer from hypertension don't even know they have it. In a society where obesity, stress and a landscape of convenience food offerings high in sodium, it is not surprising that hypertension is on the rise. It is amazed that many folks don't even know they have the condition when it is so easy to test blood pressure. Even if they receive a bad blood pressure report slip from their doctor, some still doesn't seem to care and do nothing to treat the condition.

Perhaps it's because hypertension kills so slowly. It might be years later before you begin to suffer the consequences. This includes heart disease, blood vessels and stroke. In the meantime, you may continue adding up the work stress and unhealthy food and cutting down most physical activity. All the while, your blood is pounding through your vessels at a high pressure capacity, battering and scarring the walls and building up atherosclerotic plaque.