Talk:1756: I'm With Her

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Comments from before 2017 can be seen here: Comments from 2016

The woman to the right of the H looks more like Jill than Hairbun without glasses.1234231587678 (talk) 21:33, 15 January 2024 (UTC)

Found the joke

It turns out that this comic was funny in hindsight. 08:50, 12 January 2017 (UTC)

Ha ha ;-) But I think that most of those that rooted for Randall and Hillary fails to see the funny part now, especially Randall, but probably also several of those that actually voted for Trump in a protest either against the system of Hillary personally... --Kynde (talk) 14:29, 11 March 2017 (UTC)

Today was the first time I saw it, and yes, I guffawed, though definitely from a schadenfreude perspective. Not that I cared who would win, the second most hated person in America or the first most hated person in American (and, in retrospect, those titles were interchangeable), but it is ~always~ funny to see those that either beg for more gov't or those that note that ~their particular~ reason for wanting more gov't is justification to force those ideas onto those who disagree get what they wanted/justified handed to them in spades. 01:09, 15 August 2017 (UTC)

I invoke Poe's law. Either way, a comment here from a living, breathing barrier to human progress and happiness. *insert troll insult spiel here* 03:24, 25 October 2023 (UTC)

This 'sad comics' list is utterly ludicrous, and really should just be removed altogether. It's headed by many bullet points of meaningless blather. And the content is just stupid. Funny gag about a notification bar in a flag being seen as a Randall making a flag for a conspiratorial three-state independence move? Comic about random funny security mishmashes (and clearly about border enforcements and laptop passwords - a very old issue) being seen as comments on Trump's presidency? Just a population distribution map being seen as Randall being 'still sad about election results'? A frigging bunch of funny emoji ideas being seen as SECRET REFERENCES to US politics, and not just the dumb things they very very obviously are? A comic about unnecessary reviews being seen as reference to nuclear war? New Year is.. maybe sad, kind of? But pretty spurious. A comic about focus being seen as political commentary. Every freaking comic here is somehow linked to Trump. Most for no reason whatsoever.

The only person wasting time here is me, for some reason pointing out the utter meaninglessness and ridiculousness of this list. I'll go prune it now. -- 00:38, 10 January 2018 (UTC)
I reverted the edit that took an axe to the 'Sadness' section, as it seemed needlessly antagonistic. The section may need some culling or re-presenting, but it should be done in a more dispassionate way. For the most part, perhaps simply putting a statement at the top of the section noting that it represents speculative interpretation would suffice? (Also, for an edit that purported to be fixing spelling and grammar, it was somewhat rife with typos and grammatical errors.) 09:44, 10 January 2018 (UTC)

A) Why does the sad comics list exist (see comment above)? B) If it did have a reasonable argument for existing, why is it in here and not in its own category? C) If it should not have its own category, wouldn't it be more reasonable to put it in a table? D) How the hell are vomiting emojis supposed to represent a significant connection to Trump? E) A flag with 3 stars. Definitely connected to the Trump election/inauguration. F) The list is just stupid in general. Halo422 (talk) 14:25, 10 January 2018 (UTC)

This utterly ludicrous 'sad comics' list only exist because just one single editor likes and maintains it. Of course it's NOT a trivia belonging to this comic which was released BEFORE the election. Randall just shows his choice to vote and he further provides some hints how to vote. So in general the entire trivia should be removed because it doesn't explain anything of this particular comic. AND if all that mentioned sad comics are really sad is highly questionable, but more worse that's also mentioned all over at the other comic explanations and nobody had criticized this before.--Dgbrt (talk) 21:20, 11 January 2018 (UTC)

Ok, not American-from-US, and frankly finding Trump amusing (Nobel!! Ha!) Anyway....why, in the comment, is Danish or possibly Megan "setting up the kite for black hat"? She's a competent and confident woman, whichever she is, and if she's setting up a kite she probably intends to fly it herself. Black Hat is just there to applaud. 07:39, 9 July 2018 (UTC)


I've moved entries from 2016 to a sub-page mentioned at the top, I removed the mentioning of "trolls" because a moderator always has to be polite. Nevertheless there are at least four major issues here to be solved (maybe more):

The transcript is not standard.
The table at the explanation is bad layout.
The title text is bad explained, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel is irrelevant here but Barack Obama's famous speech "Yes, we can" has to be mentioned.
The "Sad comics" section at trivia doesn't belong to this comic.

I am happy about any input here at the discussion or even more at the explanation. --Dgbrt (talk) 21:27, 27 October 2018 (UTC)

I've squeezed the "Sad comics" section, but that's a preliminary solution. We can delete that irrelevant content, but maybe there is a better place for this. Most referenced comics are not actually sad, but maybe we should preserve a reference at this trivia to other comics, entitled by a less sad, whining, header. --Dgbrt (talk) 21:52, 27 October 2018 (UTC)
Sad comics tivia moved to Sad comics. --Kynde (talk) 13:51, 2 November 2018 (UTC)

Hey Randall

No-one minds you backing Hillary Clinton, but we do mind you being insufferably smug about it.

Insufferable smugness became a big thing in 2016 and it won the election for the opponents of insufferable smugness.

But hey, don't think insufferable smugness will win you future elections. Don't even think elections will happen they way you think in 2200 or whenever. Insufferable smugness may become a disqualifying factor for office.

"Ugh ugh ugh TRUMP!" isn't an argument. At best, it's an 'argument' automatically dismissed. In future, 'arguments' automatically dismissed may become a disqualifying factor for office.

You people imagine that because you won the immediate present you won the future, but I gather various people in the past imagined they'd won everything that followed, and they didn't. Just bear it in mind in your arrogance. 19:14, 1 June 2024 (UTC)

You're projecting. And acting at least as smug. One could even suggest that insufferable smugness has been a trademark of Hillary's opponent, but of course there's been plenty of water under that particular bridge (and we've yet to see where it all might end up, still). Making a long rant almost eight years after the event doesn't really help make anybody's point, however. Surely there a better place for you to discuss the current reality with the politically engaged, if you actually wish to discuss political futures and not pasts. 21:53, 1 June 2024 (UTC)