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Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
Revision as of 01:58, 27 April 2022 by (talk) (Cueball)
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Welcome to the explain xkcd wiki!

We have an explanation for all 2990 xkcd comics, and only 7 incomplete ones. Help us finish them!

2990 comics7 incomplete explanations84 incomplete transcripts

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You can read a brief introduction about this wiki at explain xkcd. Feel free to sign up for an account and contribute to the wiki! We need explanations for comics, characters, themes and everything in between. If it is referenced in an xkcd web comic, it should be here.

  • There are incomplete explanations listed here. Feel free to help out by expanding them!
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  1. Don't be a jerk. Act like you would in real life.
  2. If you want to talk about a specific comic, use its discussion page.
  3. Please only submit material directly related to (and helping everyone better understand) xkcd... and of course only submit material that can legally be posted (and freely edited). Off-topic or other inappropriate content is subject to removal or modification at admin discretion, and users who repeatedly post such content will be blocked.
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Sir cueball II is a stick figure.