62: Valentine - Karnaugh

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Valentine - Karnaugh
Love and circuit analysis, hand in hand at last.
Title text: Love and circuit analysis, hand in hand at last.


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A Karnaugh map is a Boolean algebra tool which is used to simplify expressions. The final picture, the one that looks like a crossword puzzle, is similar to the way that a Karnaugh map is used on a Boolean truth table, to identify areas that can be simplified. This PDF document shows how the process is used to simplify logic circuits. The lament of the valentine is that feelings don't yield themselves to the same kind of analysis.

This comic has four pictures with a line of text alongside them. The text can be used to understand the picture. First three pictures show love to become more coherent and well-defined(with time) but yet complicated. The last picture and text alongside it, show Cueball's desire that their should be a way to simplify complications in love, just like Karnaugh map as he defines it as a matrix of relations and desire in third picture.

The first line means that Love is such an overwhelming feeling that it is hard to understand it and even harder to explain. The picture alongside has incoherent lines depicting the feelings of someone(here Cueball) in love and hearts represents the overwhelming love.

The second picture and related text mean that the feelings are now identified to some extent but are numerous and there are too few words to explain them. The picture depict Cueball and Megan on separate side of his heart crisscrossed by many feelings. It shows that his inability to explain his feelings is like a barrier between them.

The third picture shows that Cueball has a much better understanding of love and now sees it as a matrix of desires and tangled relations, but it is still very complex to fully understand love.

The fourth picture shows a Karnaugh map that Cueball wishes he could find in the future to solve the matrix of desires and tangled relations that is love.


[Squiggly heart design.]
You make me feel so much
it all runs together
I wish I could tell you
[Crisscrossing heart design.]
So few words
for so many feelings
crisscrossing my heart
[Heart matrix design. Cueball and Megan on seperate side of big heart]
A matrix of desire
Tangled relations
I can't simplify
[Karnaugh map of hearts.]
I wish I could find
the Karnaugh map
for love.

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As of 16.4.2021 the image on xkcd.com is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise.

Curious indeed. ISaveXKCDpapers (talk) 06:57, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
It’s always been sideways for me, and I’ve been reading since around 2015. Intara (talk) 04:45, 12 April 2023 (UTC)

The explanation post should explain what a Boolean expression is as well. Epicradman123 (talk) 16:21, 15 August 2024 (UTC)

I'd definitely say yes to this. Or no. 16:40, 15 August 2024 (UTC)