Category:Incomplete explanations

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Inline with this comes the recommendation The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy to floss daily. This will lower your risk of periodontal disease. But what has that got to do with a healthy heart. Peridontal disease has been shown to directly cause arterial inflammation which as stated above stresses the heart.Get into the habit of reading labels on your food. Identify those foods that have high sugar levels and remove them from your diet. Check your salad dressings. Very often the most common foods that you'd least expect to contain sugar are actually loaded with it. Again the reason you want to avoid sugar is the detrimental affect it has on the health of your arteries.

The cellular mechanism of myocyte contraction following electrical stimulation is too complex to become fully addressed in this section, but excellent discussions of electromechanical coupling could be found. Briefly, when the myocyte is stimulated, sodium channels about the cell surface membrane (sarcolemma) open, and sodium ions (Na+) circulation down their electrochemical gradient into the cell.

This sudden inward surge of ions is responsible for the sharp upstroke from the myocyte action potential (stage 0). A plateau stage follows during which the cell membrane potential remains relatively unchanged owing to the inward flow of calcium ions (Ca2+) and the outward flow of potassium ions (K+) through a number of various specialized potassium channels.Repolarization occurs due to continued outward flow of K+ following inward flux of Ca2+ has stopped. Within the cell, the alter in membrane potential from the sudden influx of Na+ and the subsequent increase in intracellular Ca2+ causes the sarcoplasmic reticulum to discharge big numbers of calcium ions via specific Ca2+ discharge channels. The exact signaling mechanism is not recognized.