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T. Rex Evolution
Unfortunately, body size and bite force continue to increase.
Title text: Unfortunately, body size and bite force continue to increase.


Ambox notice.png This explanation may be incomplete or incorrect: Created by a BOT WITH NEGATIVE LIMBS - fact-check the graph's "early" claim and flesh things out a bit. Do NOT delete this tag too soon.

The small and seemingly useless forelimbs of Tyrannosaurus rex have often been used as a source of humour in works of fiction that feature dinosaurs. Randall claims that the ancestors of T. Rex had (relatively) longer and therefore more useful forelimbs, and hypothesizes that - had non-avian dinosaurs not suffered an extinction event - this trend of "reduced limbs" would continue until present-day descendants of T. Rex were limbless creatures not unlike a giant snake.

In reality, while animals do lose usage of their limbs - such as the hind legs of a whale - the development of these vestigial limbs would not apply to other limbs. A T. rex would continue to have substantial need for its hind legs, which it used for running and chasing prey, and would have no reason to lose legs unless environmental factors favored a limbless lifestyle. This has happened multiple times in the Order Squamata, the lizards and snakes, where limbless body plans have evolved convergently over and over such as in blind worms as compared to true snakes. However these circumstances that encourage such lifestyles are not likely to happen to the large predatorial Tyrannosaurus. With that said Tyrannosaurus would likely eventually lose its arms altogether if it never went extinct.

The title text claims that as T. Rex was also larger than its ancestors, the same trend in growth would continue such that the hypothetical limbless present-day descendant would be even larger than the famously elephant-sized T. Rex. In reality animals do not linearly grow in size and a modern Tyrannosaurus would not necessarily be dramatically larger, and could easily have gotten somewhat smaller even with the same body plans and lifestyle.

This comic may be tangentially related to the fact that birds are dinosaurs that survived the KT extinction, which is a recurring theme on xkcd.

Extrapolation was previously mentioned in comic 605: Extrapolating.


Ambox notice.png This transcript is incomplete. Please help editing it! Thanks.
[A graph of limbs over time, with 3 animals represented]
[The vertical axis is labelled Limbs, from 0 to 4]
[The horizontal axis is not labelled but represents time, in ticks of 10 million years, from 180 million years ago to 0.]
["Extinction" points to 65 million years ago, and "Now" points to 0.]
[The first animal, a regular dinosaur, is in the top left: 4 limbs, 150 million years ago.]
4 normal limbs
[An arrow goes from it to the second animal, a T. Rex, in the middle, just left of "extinction".]
Barely more than 2
[A dashed arrow with a question mark goes from it to the last animal: a leg-less dinosaur with a big mouth.]
[Caption below the panel:]
If T. Rex hadn't gone extinct
(Linear extrapolation)

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