2813: What To Do

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What To Do
FYI: The 'drop, cover, and hold on' advice only applies to earthquakes. If you encounter a mountain lion, you should absolutely not drop to the ground, crawl under it, and hold on to one of its legs.
Title text: FYI: The 'drop, cover, and hold on' advice only applies to earthquakes. If you encounter a mountain lion, you should absolutely not drop to the ground, crawl under it, and hold on to one of its legs.


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Similar to 1890: What to Bring, this comic takes four unrelated dangerous situations, and tries to mix-and-match the solutions. Predictably,[citation needed] mixing up good advice leads to fairly nonsensical behavior, so only the original four matches are marked green as acceptable.

(problem) vs (solution) stand up straight, speak firmly, and slowly back away run toward a building or hard-topped vehicle calmly exit the building apply firm pressure
mountain lion Yes. This is a common recommendation when encountering a mountain lion (puma, cougar, etc) out in nature. No. Running away may cause the animal to chase you, and it may consider you as prey. However, if you safely make it into the building or vehicle, you may be able to hide or drive away from the animal and may be safer than being outdoors with it. No. Exiting a building and approaching the animal is less recommended. No. Applying "firm pressure" to the (wild) animal is a terrible idea and may result in injury.
lighting No. Yelling at lightning is ineffective. Yes. This is the recommended solution when encountering lightning - to go indoors or inside of a hard-topped vehicle to avoid being struck. However, staying inside of a metal vehicle may cause other problems. No. Exiting a building is a poor idea, as the risk of getting struck by lightning is increased. No. There is no way to "apply firm pressure" to lightning.
fire alarm No. Yelling at a fire alarm is ineffective. No. When a fire alarm is sounding, it is terrible advice to run towards the sound of the alarm, unless you are a trained member of the fire department. Yes. This is the recommended advice when hearing a fire alarm - to calmly exit the building, and move to a safe location. No. Applying firm pressure to a fire alarm will not result in stopping the alarm, unless you are able to manage to suppress the sound, or the fire alarm sensors. Regardless, this will not stop an active fire.
bleeding No. Yelling at a bleeding person, or at the bleeding itself, is ineffective. No. Running toward a building or vehicle is not helpful if someone is bleeding. However, there could be medical supplies inside the building or vehicle, so this idea completely incorrect. No. Exiting a building is not helpful if someone is bleeding, if either the exiting one is the injured one, or the non-injured one. Of course, if someone in the building is the cause of the bleeding, this could be a good idea so that the bleeding does not get worse. Yes. This is the recommended solution to stop bleeding - apply firm pressure to stop the bleeding.


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Top right kinda reminds me of https://piped.video/watch?v=5jKZ9KGtee0 Beanie talk 22:06, 9 August 2023 (UTC)

I was thinking that that kind of thing usually works for the likes of Mick Dundee. 11:10, 14 August 2023 (UTC)

We don't need a dang [citation needed] on every single joke in the first column. Less is more. 04:55, 10 August 2023 (UTC)

Citation needed. 05:13, 10 August 2023 (UTC)
I wholeheartedly disagree, every one is funny Tiln (talk) 07:36, 10 August 2023 (UTC)

https://tiermaker.com/create/2813-xkcd-what-to-do-16046434 <- I made a tierlist for all the panels you can fill out! idk why thought it was funny Mushrooms (talk) 11:51, 10 August 2023 (UTC)

Yeah! Finally another good/bad matrix! I love the pictures more than the selection of situations and reactions. Anyone else too? -- 17:00, 16 August 2023 (UTC)

The panel depicting Megan yelling "Hey, stop." and backing away from a wounded Cueball -- that could totally be some peoples response to the depicted situation, if only because it's better to find another person nearby who can treat the patient calmly rather than someone who'll puke, panic or faint at the sight of blood or the wound that it's issuing from. Remember, the cardinal rule of first aid is "avoid becoming a casualty yourself". If you don't think you can provide adequate aid because you are squeamish, there's no shame in simply standing back or assisting as requested. 08:57, 28 February 2024 (UTC)

Add background color to table?

Should we indicate the comic's table's red/green background colors in the description table? This could either be by changing the cells' background colors to match the comic, or adding "(Red background)" or "(Green background)" to the text. -- Dtgriscom (talk) 15:07, 10 August 2023 (UTC)

I don't know whether that's typical, but I think it's a good idea.
ProphetZarquon (talk) 15:50, 10 August 2023 (UTC)
For a moment I thought you meant the Transcript, to which I would have said it was inadvisable to place a colour, seeing as in my experience the Transcript is mainly for blind people using a reader program, and I'm not sure the reader program would mention the colour of text, definitely not the background. But in the description, I would agree, and I think changing the colour is more visually informative. NiceGuy1 (talk) 05:02, 12 August 2023 (UTC)
I'd match the #RGBs of the comic (rather than #F00/#0F0). Or perhaps even tone back to half saturation. We want it to be faithful in hue but not everly distracting. 20:03, 12 August 2023 (UTC)
The green in the original comic is #A4E6A1; reducing its sat by half gives #C5E6C3. The original pink is #E6A1A1, reducing its sat by half gives #E6C3C3. BunsenH (talk) 20:45, 12 August 2023 (UTC)
Yeah, looked good. For what my opinion i worth on the matter, a decent choice. 23:34, 12 August 2023 (UTC)

Yelling at lightning

If we really need a citation about the futility of yelling at lightning, there's King Lear, Act 3, scene 2. BunsenH (talk) 23:13, 12 August 2023 (UTC)

Fire Alarms

I recently found out other peoples fire alarms can't be turned off. Mine turns off if you apply firm pressure to the test button when it is ringing (there wasn't a fire, just a lot of steam, and it was confused). Do other fire alarms not have a pressure-activated "off" button? Thisfox (talk) 07:52, 17 August 2023 (UTC)

I suspect it's going to be a case of reading the manual. Different fire-(smoke-?)alarms having subtly different designs to them. I think one of the ones I last installed had a 'silence' button (separate from the 'test' one), but I've never felt/had the need to 'snooze' it (though I have tested it, even if not as frequently as I should have). Others may not even consider the need (if it goes 'wrong', and it isn't entirely your fault for burning some toast, you'd ideally be ripping it out and replacing it with a non-false-alarm one ASAP) so taking the battery out or disconnecting various key wires might be your default option. 09:21, 17 August 2023 (UTC)

Creating lightning

The last couple of edits have used "fulgogenic" and "fulminogenic", which I take to mean "creating lightning". I'm not confident that either is a real word, from the on-line searching I've done. While the meaning can be inferred, given enough background knowledge, is there a word with that meaning that's actually used? BunsenH (talk) 16:07, 21 August 2023 (UTC)

Mountain lions

[1] shows that encountering a mountain lion is not always a dangerous situation. That particular mountain lion is unlikely to do anything to people applying any of the solutions. It went to obedience school.