White Hat

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White Hat

White hat as seen in 973: MTV Generation
First appearance 260: The Glass Necklace
Appearances 183

White Hat is a stick figure character in xkcd. He is distinguished by his eponymous white hat which appears to be in the shape and style of a boater. His appearance is identical to that of Black Hat other than the color of their respective hats. (Interestingly, the two characters have been depicted together only at 1110: Click and Drag, 1000: 1000 Comics, and 1708: Dehydration, still without a real connection between them, although they actually speak in the same setting in the latter, the other two being large drawings comics.)

In early comics, White Hat appeared mostly as a rare secondary character. Starting with comic 915: Connoisseur, White Hat started appearing more often and developed more of a personality, often playing the role of a philosophically misguided person. In this way, he's a bit of a straw man, making logical fallacies to help advance Randall's point. Other times, he is simply an alternative to Cueball or one of the other main characters.

In 603: Idiocracy a character with a white hat appears, but it is a rounded hat very unlike the usual boater. He also has a very different mindset so there is no reason to believe this is White Hat at all.

See also