Knit Cap

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Knit Cap

An image of Knit Cap from 1112: Think Logically
First appearance 1037: Umwelt
Appearances 16

Knit Cap is a stick figure character in xkcd distinguished by a knit cap.


Knit Cap Girl (i.e. a character with long hair that has a knit cap) was first seen in 1350: Lorenz. At first, it was debated if this was a girl or a boy, but being with Hairy was reason enough to call her a girl. She has some similarities to Megan with a knit cap, but since Megan never before has been shown with a knit cap or been together as a pair with Hairy, it would be strange if this represents Megan. (Hairy has some bad reputation in trying to fool girls to fall for him. Perhaps he has finally found out how to interact with women [though they do seem to fight in this comic a few times].)


In 1112: Think Logically, for example, Knit Cap is depicted as typical 'nerd'.

Knit Cap is one of the two main characters in the interactive comic 1350: Lorenz, in which the general consensus was the Knit Cap was a woman. In most other comics Knit Cap is seen as a man. This was also the first comic where there was a big part for this character, and in that comic she was called Knit Cap Girl. Here below is what was once noted on Lorenz's explanation about this character and the type of hat.

Other comics with knit caps

  • Before Lorenz :
    • A guy with a knit cap can be seen in 1037: Umwelt in the aurora story line.
      • Since he is in a cold environment that would warrant warm clothes, he does not seem to represent Knit Cap.
    • A guy with a knit cap can be seen on a boat in 1110: Click and Drag.
      • He is not Knit Cap as his knit cap is black.
    • Randall's wife is depicted with a knit cap in 1141: Two Years, one she uses due to chemotherapy treatments causing her to lose her hair.
      • Since it is clear that Knit Cap Girl has hair, she does not wear the cap for that reason.
      • It is described as ...the woman (who is wearing a knit cap)... in the official transcript.
    • Two guys wear knit caps in 1321: Cold.
  • After Lorenz:
    • One of the users' pictures for the April fools' comic the year after, 1506: xkcloud, also looked like Knit Cap Girl.
    • At the top of the huge chart in 1732: Earth Temperature Timeline a guy with a white knit cap similar to the one in 1321: Cold is freezing.
      • Again, the cold environment shows that he isn't Knit Cap.
    • The "You" option in 2198: Throw, which can be both thrower and thrown, has a knit cap. In the customization window, the knit cap "You" is also shown. He may look like a man at first glance, but it could also represent a woman, given the look of Knit Cap Girl. This may be the idea, since it represents the reader.

Other names for knit caps

  • Beanie.
    • The knit caps that appeared in 1190: Time are traditionally referred to as "beanies"; by extension, the people wearing them are known as "Beanies" (and their language as "Beanish").
  • Toque.
  • Tuque.
  • Skullcap or skully.
  • ”Knit cap” is the name that fits best with the three different official transcripts mentioned above.

See also