
Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
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Hair Bun Girl, as seen in 1253: Exoplanet Names
First appearance 378: Real Programmers
Appearances 89

Hair Bun Girl is a stick figure character in xkcd. She is distinguished by her hair that is set up in a bun.


Hair Bun Girl is a minor character in xkcd who appeared two weeks in a row in the spring of 2015. She is mainly just another woman that Randall can use when he wishes to give a woman a specific characteristic so to set her aside from the more common Megan and Ponytail. In several comics she is with both Megan and Ponytail (in 4 appearances as of April 2015: 1052, 1253, 1504, and 1507). She is not the same character from comic to comic.

She is mainly depicted without glasses but she can also appear with glasses.

Since she is a grown woman - she cannot be, for instance, the little girl in 1519: Venus.