
Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
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Megan, seen in 973: MTV Generation
First appearance 15: Just Alerting You
Appearances 893

Megan is a stick figure character in xkcd. She is the second-most frequently appearing character, after Cueball, and the most frequently appearing female character. She often appears with Cueball as a couple.

"Megan" does not necessarily always represent the same character from comic to comic. She is essentially the female equivalent of Cueball, representing the every-woman to his every-man. This is less clear than for Cueball as there are several comics, where there are [[:Category:MultipleCueballs|multiple Cueball-like figures], any of whom could be called Cueball.

There are very few comics where this happens with Megan-like characters. (Such as in 173: Movie Seating, 139: I Have Owned Two Electric Skateboards, 1409: Query and in 1496: Art Project) In Art Project it was debated lively which of the two girls was Megan. Here however, the hair length in the end decided that one of the two megan-like girls was the "real" one, and the short haired version was an unidentified character. Had the latter been alone in another comic, she would for sure have been called Megan. Of course she also appears several times in some of the comics with large drawings, like 1110: Click and Drag. Often this should be seen as different small comics, where there is just one Megan in each story. In 1608: Hoverboard, however, there are two identical Megans at the bottom rear end of the Destroyer, where one is talking to the other.

There was at one point a community portal discussion of what to call Cueball and what to do in case with more than one Cueball. Nothing much came of it, but so far it seems the standard practice is to name the main protagonist (the one with the funniest/defining part) as Cueball and then name the other friend etc. (and note that they also are Cueball-like. If it is impossible to discern them then neither should be called Cueball. The discussion was also about if Cueball's name should be changed to Rob but that did not get accepted. An example where this is a serious problem for Megan has yet to be found.

Megan does sometimes appear to have slightly specific personality traits; she has quite odd habits, and is sometimes shown to be very focused and intent on a goal. However, as explained above this is not a general rule for a given Megan character.

Explain xkcd originally referred to this character as "Cutie" (complementing "Cueball" with a matching first syllable). But then a "Cutie" was given a specific name, Megan, in 159: Boombox and later in for instance 215: Letting Go and 420: Jealousy. The name Cutie was then changed to Megan. If this rule should be followed generally, then Cueball should be re-named Rob after 276: Fixed Width (and the other 9 times a Cueball has been named Rob in total). But as mentioned above this was not to be.

In 1221: Nomenclature the character we call Megan is called Mrs. Whatsit in the transcript provided in the comic source.

A character that looked a lot like Megan, but with somewhat longer hair and a much meaner attitude was distinguished from her as Black Hat's girlfriend Danish.


Early comics often feature Megan-style characters who may or may not be identified as Megan. Randall appears not to have standardized his character lineup early in the comic's run, and as a result, certain early female characters sometimes have similar hair to Megan, but some different features.

The name (or even pseudonym) "Megan" may be reference to a lost love of Randall's, given that he wrote a passive-aggressive toast for Megan's wedding in 420: Jealousy about how he was madly still in love with her, put across in a way that would generally ruin the day for everyone involved. We also see this earlier in 215: Letting Go.


Megan is distinguished by her black shoulder-length hair which generally appears to be parted in the middle in front, and is draped behind what are presumably her (undrawn) ears.

In 1409: Query, we learn that she is 30 or younger, that her annual income is less than or equal to $100,000, and that she is afraid of flying. She is not explicitly named "Megan" in this comic though.

See also

  • Comics featuring Megan.
  • It was at some point suggested that Megan and Cutie should be un-merged? In releation to a similar suggestion that Cueball and Rob should be merged. But nothing came of the discussion.